Did you know that we are constantly exposed to a variety of chemicals on a daily basis that can disrupt the functioning of our thyroid glands? These chemicals can be very problematic and harmful to our health in general, and especially harmful to the thyroid. Today we will discuss some common thyroid disrupting chemicals that […]

Tips For Healthy Grilling This Summer
Grilling is a common way that people cook food in the summer months. Grilling is a dry heat cooking method where food is cooked directly over, or indirectly near the heat source. But did you know that there are some health risks of grilling? When cooking over high heat, especially over an open flame, there […]

How To Cultivate Healthier Habits This Summer
As summer approaches, this is a good time to reflect on your habits, analyzing which ones are good to keep and which ones could use some improvements. Creating new habits within your life not only sets you up for a healthier version of yourself, but it will also help you to feel a sense of […]

5 Ways To Increase Your Insulin Sensitivity
Do you know what it means to have insulin resistance and why one would want to increase their insulin sensitivity? Insulin resistance is when your cells are resistant to the effects of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin’s job is to bring glucose into […]

Tips For Making Your Meal Plan More Cost Effective
Do you wish that your grocery bill wasn’t as high as it currently tends to be? The price of groceries can certainly add up quickly, especially if you aren’t making a conscious effort to reduce costs where you can. Today we will discuss some tips to lower your grocery bill and make your meal plan […]

What Are FODMAPs and Is Your Gut Sensitive to Them?
Have you ever heard of people following a low FODMAP diet? FODMAP is an acronym that stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are short chain carbohydrates, or sugars, that are found in a variety of foods to varying degrees. These short chain carbohydrates resist digestion and are fermented in the gut by […]

Got The Winter Blues? Support Your Mood With Diet
Winter is usually the hardest season for people to get through. Between the cold weather, the long hours of darkness, and spending most of your time indoors, this season can really affect your mood in a negative way. But one way to be proactive about uplifting your mood is by focusing on your diet. Today […]

Healthy Pasta Alternatives
Who doesn’t love pasta? It’s certainly a staple in many households. Whether you need to abstain from wheat pasta because of issues digesting gluten, or you’re simply looking for a pasta alternative that is more nutrient dense, this article is for you. Today we will talk about some different pasta options and discuss their health […]

Should You Try Our Immune Boost Supplement?
Are you someone who gets sick a lot in the winter months? Some people have a tendency to come down with something a few times each year, no matter how much they wash their hands and try to avoid sick people. Some of us just need extra immune support during this time of year. If […]

How Stress Affects The Immune System
Are you someone who feels very stressed out most of the time? It can be challenging to avoid stress in our modern world, but did you know that stress can have a negative impact on the functioning of your immune system? This post will explain how stress negatively affects the immune system, tips on how […]

4 Lifestyle Changes To Assist Weight Loss
There is no doubt that focusing on diet is one of the most important things you can do in order to lose weight. But today we will discuss some other lifestyle changes to focus on that are also important when it comes to weight loss and overall health. Properly Fuel Your Body In The […]

5 Better-For-You Desserts to Try This Holiday Season
Many of us have a weakness for dessert, especially during the holidays. It can be very difficult to forgo a cookie or a slice of your favorite pie after dinner. That’s why this year, we are sharing with you some dessert alternatives that are much healthier options than some of the common, traditional desserts most […]

5 Tips For Transitioning Into The Colder Months
As we are heading into colder months in the northern hemisphere, it can be a hard transition on our bodies. Today we will discuss some ways in which you can support your body during this time to ensure optimal wellness. Keep reading to hear our top five tips for transitioning into the colder months. 1. […]

Everything You Should Know About Resistant Starch
Have you ever heard of resistant starch? Starches are carbohydrates with branching chains of glucose. There are three types of starches, which are categorized by their digestibility. The three types are rapidly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch, and resistant starch. Resistant starch (RS) is a type of starch that resists digestion in the small intestine. […]

4 Tips For Improving Your Digestion of Dietary Fats
The proper digestion of dietary fat is very important for our health. Many people struggle with fat malabsorption, which is when dietary fat is not properly digested and absorbed. Some symptoms of fat malabsorption include fatty stools that are light colored and float, deficiencies in the fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, D, and K), […]

Which Type of Protein Powder Is Best For You?
Using protein powder in your diet is a great way to increase your overall protein intake. If you recall from your school days, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Different sources of protein will contain different types of amino acids in certain ratios, which determines the function they will have in the body. […]

5 Spices To Use In Your Cooking This Fall Season
Experimenting with different spices in the kitchen is a great way to change up the flavor of your meal. It can be fun to experiment and figure out which flavors pair well with certain types of dishes. When you think of fall flavors, you probably think of cinnamon, but today we will discuss some other […]

Is Chronic Inflammation Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?
Do you feel like there may be an underlying issue that makes weight loss more difficult for you? There are numerous health issues that can affect weight loss, but today we will discuss chronic inflammation- what it is, what can cause it, and how it can affect your weight loss efforts. What Is Chronic Inflammation? […]

Can Our Total Soothe Supplement Improve Your Anxiety?
Are you high strung or plagued with stress and anxiety on a daily basis? Living with anxiety can take a toll on people for many reasons. Did you know that G-Plans has an anti-anxiety supplement called Total Soothe? Whether your anxiety is chronic, or acute and situational, this supplement may be beneficial to you. Today […]

5 Ways To Spice Up Your Avocado Toast
Avocado toast has been trending for a while now, and for good reason. Not only is it delicious, but having avocado on your toast for breakfast adds healthy fats and fiber to your meal. This will help keep your energy levels stable, while also leaving you feeling satiated from your meal. But if you’re someone […]

4 Delicious Drink Recipes To Beat The Summer Heat
Now that the summer heat is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere, you may find yourself wanting a refreshing drink that will cool you down on a hot day. Today we will share some tasty drink recipes that are perfect for summer. Not only will these drinks quench your thirst and exhilarate your tastebuds, […]

Weight Loss With Autoimmunity
If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you may wonder how it may affect your efforts to lose weight. Or, you may know that you should be following certain dietary guidelines that others don’t need to worry about. So how does having an autoimmune disease fit in with G-Plans? If you have specific […]

What You Should Know About Our Vibrant Reds Polyphenol Formula
You may have seen our Vibrant Reds polyphenol formula in our supplement store, or you may have even tried the product already. You’ve probably heard of polyphenols before, but do you know what types of food they are found in, or what their benefits are to our bodies? Today we will discuss everything you should […]

6 Weight Loss Tips For Those With a Busy Schedule
Do you have a goal of losing weight but feel like you are just too busy to focus on it? You might feel like you just don’t have enough time on your hands to cook multiple meals every day. Maybe you’re juggling so much between work, taking care of the house, and getting your kids […]

Should You Try Our Rest Restore Sleep Aid?
Are you someone who struggles to fall asleep at night? Or do you fall asleep, but toss and turn and wake up feeling unrested? Many people have restless nights, and not getting quality sleep each night can have tremendous effects on the health of our bodies. G-Plans has a Rest Restore sleep aid supplement that […]

6 Medicinal Mushrooms and Their Health Benefits
Did you know that mushrooms have a multitude of health benefits? There is an entire world of fungi that many people don’t know much about. Of course there are poisonous mushrooms and hallucinogenic mushrooms, but there are also a lot of mushrooms that have numerous health benefits to humans that won’t kill you or send […]

4 Tips For Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolutions
A new year is near again, which means it is time to reflect on the past year and make some resolutions for the year ahead. There is something about completing a cycle of one year that gives us a burning desire for self improvement. Making new year’s resolutions around health goals is always a great […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About Losing Progress This Holiday Season
You may be thinking about the gatherings you will attend with friends and family this holiday season and feel worried about the temptation you will face when you see all of the food on the table. During the holiday season, many people worry about losing all of the progress that they recently made in regards […]

7 Cooking Techniques Explained
The cooking world can be intimidating if you don’t have much experience in the kitchen. There are many techniques often described in recipes that can be confusing to many people. Today we will break down some common cooking methods, including what they actually mean and how they may affect the nutrient content of food. By […]

The Surprising Link Between Gut Health And Mental Health
Did you know that there is a relationship between your mental health and the state of your gut microbiome? Current research leads to the fact that there is a big connection between the two. Today we will discuss the relationship between the gut and the brain as well as the things you can focus on […]

6 Soup Recipes To Try This Fall
Fall is the season that our bodies start craving warm, hearty soups and stews. One reason they are great is because you can make a huge batch at once and eat it all week long. We all know that when we love a soup so much, we don’t mind repeating it a couple of times […]

5 Herbs That Benefit Your Immune System
Now that we are headed into the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time to think about how you can strengthen your immune system for the months to come. There are many herbs that are commonly used in cooking that have beneficial properties to your immune system. You may already be aware […]

5 Possible Causes of Water Retention
If you’ve ever experienced water retention, you’ve probably wondered why it was happening. There are various possible reasons that your body may be holding on to excess water, causing your weight to fluctuate or simply leaving you feeling slightly uncomfortable. Today we will review some of the top reasons why you may experience water retention. […]

What Is a Nutritional Health Coach and Should You Hire One?
Whether you’ve been on your weight loss journey for quite some time or you are just beginning, working with a nutritional health coach may be something that benefits your efforts. G-Plans has a team of nutritionists that are here to help you reach your health goals even faster. All of our nutritionists have training in […]

Are You Making Your Own Bone Broth?
Did you know that making your own bone broth at home has many health benefits and provides more nutrients than the boxed kind you find at the store? People have been making bone broth for thousands of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bone broth is used to strengthen the kidneys and support digestive health. Bone […]

6 Pumpkin Recipes to Try This Fall
Most people are used to hearing about the pumpkin spiced lattes at Starbucks every year when fall rolls around, but are you familiar with the many different ways to use actual pumpkin in your cooking? It’s actually a very versatile ingredient. You can use it in sweet or savory recipes. Today we will share some […]

6 Tasty Coffee Alternative Recipes
Now that summer has officially ended and we are headed towards colder weather as autumn kicks off, you may be craving hot coffee or a latte to warm your body as the temperature starts dropping. There is something comforting about a warm drink in your hands and the fragrant smells that hit your nostrils. Whether […]

3 Fall Favorite Veggies to Add into Your Diet
Sometimes Autumn creeps up on us fast, and we may not be happy about summer ending. But there are so many things to look forward to during this season, such as fresh fall vegetables. Vegetables being in season means you have the option to buy local, which means they are fresher, taste better, and are […]

Are You Utilizing Seeds In Your Diet?
Do you consume seeds in your diet? Seeds are an amazing source of many nutrients, plus, they leave a low environmental footprint on the Earth. Seeds have a similar nutritional profile to nuts and are a great choice when looking to add nutritional value into your diet. Today we will discuss various types of edible […]

Are You Eating Mindfully?
Are you someone who sits down and takes the time to eat your meals, pausing to breathe between each bite? Or do you eat on the run and eat as quickly as possible? It can be difficult to find the time to eat mindfully when we are stressed about time or have busy schedules, but […]

10 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss, According to a Nutritionist
A common weight loss myth is that you can’t lose weight if you’re snacking in-between meals. This simply isn’t true. In fact, snacking in-between meals can help boost your metabolism and help you with your weight loss goals. But what you eat does matter. There are numerous unhealthy snack foods on grocery store shelves. Today […]

Tips to Help You Overcome Emotional Eating
Many people use food as a crutch. When they feel overwhelmed with life’s stressors or are triggered by any past trauma, they may feel the urge to eat to absolve themselves of the emotions that feel too intense for them to sit with in the moment. This can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food […]

5 Causes of Weight Fluctuation
Many people deal with weight fluctuations. Even if you are eating the right amount of calories for your body, you may notice random fluctuations. They may be cyclical or they may seem random. While it certainly can be frustrating, just know that you are not alone. There are many possible causes, but today we will […]

4 Tips On How To Be Successful With Weight Loss
When you are on a diet plan to lose weight or to simply improve your health, it makes sense that if you stick as closely as possible to your meal plan, the higher the chances are that you will reach your goals. Being able to stay on track is great, but it’s not always the […]

6 Common Diet Myths Debunked
There are many common misconceptions and myths around diet, especially when it comes to weight loss. The internet is filled with different approaches and opinions. While it’s true that some things may work better for different people, you don’t need to worry about all of the things you’ve heard along the way. Some myths create […]

Are You Running Into These 3 Common Roadblocks?
There are bound to be some roadblocks that you face on your weight loss journey. This is normal and it’s not any indication that you will fail. When an obstacle is encountered, you just need to try to find a solution around it. Today we will discuss three common obstacles that many people face and […]

Are Underlying Health Issues Affecting Your Weight Loss?
There are a multitude of different reasons people struggle with weight loss, but sometimes people have an underlying health issue that makes it more challenging for them to lose weight compared to other people. Today we will discuss why it’s important to understand whether or not you are dealing with an underlying health issue if […]

4 Questions to Ask Yourself
Whether you are just starting your weight loss journey or you’ve been at it for some time, today we will discuss four important questions that we encourage you to ask yourself. When you ask yourself these questions, be as real and honest with yourself as possible. There are no right or wrong answers, just answers […]

How to Read Food Labels Like a Nutritionist
Have you ever looked at a nutrition label and felt confused or overwhelmed, not knowing what to look for? Today we will break down the most important things you should be aware of when reading a nutrition facts label. Ingredient List The ingredient list is always listed in order of the ingredients that are present […]

6 Common Mistakes People Make When Trying To Lose Weight
There are a lot of mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight. This can be due to either people thinking that something is too simple of a factor to make that much of a difference, or they believe common weight loss myths that they’ve heard in the past. Keep reading to learn about […]

6 Misleading Food Labels To Watch Out For
You may see many different labels on food products these days and wonder if they actually mean anything or if they are just a marketing ploy. While some labels are required to meet certain standards, many other phrases you will see on food products mean nothing at all, or at the very least, are very […]

6 Most Underrated Ways to Improve Your Health
Sometimes people are under the impression that they need to make a bunch of drastic changes in order to impact their health in a positive way. But oftentimes, you may be better off focusing on the simple things. Here is a list of six underrated ways to improve your health. 1. Get Sunlight and Fresh […]

5 Healthy Popsicle Recipes You Need to Try
The frozen popsicles that line the freezer shelves of the grocery store in the summer months are unfortunately packed with some not-so-healthy ingredients. They may contain refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and artificial coloring, while not providing any actual nutritional benefits. Choosing to make healthy popsicles at home is a much better option, […]

Why You Should Aim For 80% Rather Than 100% on Your Diet
How many times have you put something off because you didn’t think it was the “right time?” Maybe you thought about cleaning up your diet but then realized you have a dinner planned this week, so you’ll push it off until the following week. Then the next week rolls around and something else gets in […]

Nutritionist’s Top 5 Dairy Free Yogurt Alternatives
The supermarket shelves are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for dairy free products. There are many options out there when it comes to choosing dairy free yogurt alternatives. Today we will share some of our top picks with you and discuss the different types of options you have when it comes […]

The Best and Worst Food For Gallbladder Health
Approximately one million Americans have their gallbladder removed every year. While it’s possible to live the rest of your life without a gallbladder, it’s harder for the body to digest dietary fat without one. Today we will talk about the gallbladder’s function in digestion and highlight the best foods to include in your diet to […]

Nutritionist’s Top 5 Dairy Free Cheese Alternatives
When going dairy free, many people wonder what alternative options they have to choose from. When it comes to cheese, there are many different brands that make dairy free cheese alternatives of various kinds. Today we will share with you some of our favorite options so you don’t have to feel like you are missing […]

What’s The Difference Between Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance?
Gluten is the name of a family of proteins commonly found in many grains, such as wheat, rye, spelt, and barley. By now, you’ve probably heard the term “gluten free,” or have at least seen it written on a menu at a restaurant or on a package of food in the grocery store. You may […]

Should You Be Consuming Fermented Food?
People have been fermenting foods for thousands of years. Fermentation preserves food, enhances flavor, and adds many nutritional benefits. Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes. Eating fermented food or drinking certain fermented beverages provides many benefits to our bodies. Keep reading to learn more […]

Are Poor Sleep Habits Affecting Your Digestion?
Everyone knows that sleep is important for our health. Without it, our brain would suffer and we wouldn’t be able to function properly on a daily basis. But did you know that sleep plays a major role in keeping your digestive system functioning optimally too? So now you may be wondering if your poor sleep […]

Is Dairy To Blame For Your Digestive Issues?
Dairy is found in a lot of food today, mostly in the form of milk, cheese, and butter. But many people experience digestive discomfort when they consume dairy products. Today we will discuss some of the reasons why dairy products can cause these issues in people. Lactose Intolerance Lactose is the type of sugar found […]

Getting Off The Dieting Roller Coaster
Oftentimes, people so badly want to lose weight that over time, they will try a bunch of different diets marketed for weight loss. But more often than not, these people find themselves on the same dieting rollercoaster that they just can’t get off of. They’ll try a new diet, maybe see results quickly, but then […]

Tips For Improving Digestion
Having a strong digestive system is important for our overall health. Through digestion, our bodies break down the food that we eat into nutrients that it uses for energy, growth, and repair. Today we will give you some tips for improving your digestion. Focus On Chewing Your Food Thoroughly Digestion begins in the mouth. When […]

Is Dairy Messing Up Your Hormones?
If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances, maybe you’ve already been given the suggestion of cutting dairy out of your diet. This is because for many people, consuming dairy has a very negative impact on their hormone levels. Maybe you have a diagnosed hormonal condition such as endometriosis, a thyroid disease, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). […]

How To Know If You Are Dehydrated
We all know that water is important for our survival, but not everyone understands the many important functions water has in keeping us healthy. If we went 3-5 days without any water intake, our organs would begin to shut down. For optimal functioning, a person should aim to drink a minimum of half their body […]

Could Artificial Sweeteners Hinder Weight Loss?
Most people know that consuming too much sugar is a risk factor for many health conditions, but sugar free alternatives are not always safer. Today we will discuss the side effects of artificial sweeteners. There are so many different types of sugar-free sweeteners being used in products today, and it can certainly cause some confusion. […]

How Gut Health Can Affect Our Weight
Did you know that our gut health can affect our weight? Our gut microbiome is important for many reasons, but today we will talk about how imbalances of gut bacteria can affect our weight and hunger levels. We will also discuss how manipulating the gut microbiota could facilitate weight loss or prevent obesity in humans. […]

Why Gut Health Is So Important
There’s a good chance you’ve at least heard the term “gut health” by now. While it may seem like a new fad or health trend to talk about, there is a good reason why many practitioners and health professionals are focusing their attention on this area of health. In this post, we will discuss why […]

How Endocrine Disruptors Affect Our Hormones
In today’s world we are exposed to an increasingly high number of endocrine disruptors from the environment, the food we eat, and skin care products. Today we will be talking about how these chemicals can have a negative effect on our hormones. An endocrine disruptor is any chemical that interferes with the body’s endocrine system. […]

Spring Cleaning
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the season to cleanse the liver. During the winter months, we tend to eat heavier foods, reduce our activity, and conserve energy. But once spring emerges from the shadows and we see everything around us start to bloom, we find our bodies wanting to feel the same sense of […]

Healthy Mother’s Day Approved Recipes
With Mother’s Day approaching, we know many of you may be worried about how you will survive the holiday while sticking to healthy eating. Oftentimes people are right on track until a holiday comes up and then they feel the urge to indulge in some not-so-healthy foods. Since many people may be skipping Mother’s Day […]

Importance of Diet and Blood Sugar Regulation in PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition affecting women of reproductive age. It is characterized by an excess of androgen hormones in the women who are affected by this condition. Androgens are a group of hormones that play a role in the development of male traits. While it’s normal for a female body to […]

How to Choose The Best Protein Bar
Have you ever found yourself on the go but you know you need to hit your macronutrient budgets? Perhaps you’re going into a workout and it’s been a few hours since you ate your last meal. Whole foods are the best source of protein and carbohydrates for our bodies, however, you can get a good […]

Why We Recommend the 80/20 Rule
“Gotta burn calories. Gotta burn calories.” A lot of people believe they can out train a bad diet. Indulged a little too much yesterday? You might be thinking, “Oh well, I will just do extra cardio tomorrow.” What many people miss is that it is not as simple as calories in and out. “If you’re […]

Making the Most of Your Cheat Meal
Congrats, you made it to the end of the week! You worked hard, so you deserve to relax a little, and have some fun. After all, here at G-Plans, we believe the diet rule of 80/20. 80% of your diet should be coming from wholesome sources like what is on your plan. The other 20% […]

No Time in the Evening? Eat Breakfast for Dinner
Do you ever come home from work late or you’re just feeling very exhausted? You stare blankly at the unprepared ingredients in your fridge and cabinets because you forgot to prepare your dinners this week. The last thing you want to do now is spend lots of time cooking your dinner. You know you need […]

How to Encourage your Kids to Follow in your Healthy Footsteps
Data shows that nearly one in five children and young people ages 6-19 are obese. Today, things are different than they used to be. With an increase of children spending more time playing with their electronic devices and having access to foods higher in sugar or fat, weight gain in children in skyrocketing. Children are […]

Weight-loss: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
When it comes to weight loss, achieving your “goal weight,” or trying to improve your physique before a big event, it is quite common to assign a particular length of time to a goal and be determined to lose weight rapidly. But how many times have you become frustrated that you couldn’t lose ____ pounds […]

Different Types of Hunger
Picture this: You’re sitting at home when you hear the crinkling of a snack bag from the kitchen. You know immediately that your spouse or roommate is snacking on your favorite chips. You weren’t hungry before, but now your mouth starts watering and you ask them to bring you some. Have you found yourself in […]

Plant Power: Dark Leafy Greens
When you visit the produce section of the grocery store, which vegetables do you typically purchase? If you find yourself wheeling your cart right past the leafy green section, you may want to reconsider! Perplexed about all that dark green stuff and how exactly to prepare it? Look no further! Here we’ll share why dark […]

Underlying Imbalances and their Contribution to Health
Are you struggling to meet your weight loss goal no matter how determined, disciplined, and consistent you’ve been with your diet and exercise routine? Perhaps there are some additional underlying factors that you haven’t thought to consider. Wait, what? What other factors? Consider some of the processes and components within your body: Digestion, nutrient absorption, […]

Holiday Health Tips and Recipes
As the holiday season is upon us, it is normal to feel anxious about sticking to your goals while also being tempted by an abundance of treats, sugary drinks, cocktails, and unhealthy food. Unfortunately, classic holiday treats tend to be packed with sugar, saturated fat, gluten and dairy that can be highly inflammatory. That’s not […]

Inflammation – What it is and how to fix it!
We’ve all heard it: “Don’t eat that, it’s inflammatory.” “My weight is up but it’s just inflammation.” “Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.” But what IS inflammation anyway? Inflammation is a normal part of the immune response to infection, illness, allergens, toxins, injury, exercise, stress, microbes, and other threats to the host (aka YOU!). Inflammation is involved […]

Metabolic Efficiency for Sustainable Change
As you begin your G-Plans journey, you’ll likely hear the term “metabolic efficiency” many times. In order to fully understand what that means, it’s important to recognize what metabolism means and how it relates to your overall health and fitness. Helpful Terms to know: Calorie: A unit of energy. Scientifically speaking, a calorie is the […]

Plant Power: Herbal Medicine
Humans have been using plants and herbs for medicinal purposes for all of time. In fact, Neanderthal remains have been found with fragments of herbs that we still commonly use today! You may not realize it, but you’re probably already benefiting from the medicinal properties of plants just through simple activities such as drinking tea […]

Immune Health and COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, cases may be skyrocketing where you live. In addition to vigilant mask-wearing, social distancing, and proper hygiene practices, one of the best things you can do to protect yourself is improving the health of your immune system. Maintaining a nutrient-dense and whole-food diet that is rich in an abundance […]

Navigating Thanksgiving while Sticking to your Goals
As Thanksgiving draws near, it is normal to feel a little anxious about approaching the holiday while trying to stick to your diet. Fortunately, there are so many ways to make healthier alternatives to traditional Thanksgiving dishes while pleasing your whole family and sticking to your goals! If you are attending a Thanksgiving meal and […]

The Lowdown on Legumes: Packed with Plant Power!
The term “legume” is used to describe plants that produce edible seeds or pods that are used as food. What are examples of legumes? Pinto, navy, white, black, red, northern, garbanzo, cannellini, kidney, lima and adzuki beans; green, split and black-eyes peas; red and green lentils; and soybeans. Why should you eat them? Legumes come […]

Dirty Details on Dairy
You’ve probably noticed that cheese and other delicious dairy products are mysteriously missing from your G-Plans menu. Why? Let’s find out. First of all, what is dairy? Dairy products are foods and food items produced from the milk of mammals. (Just to set the record straight, eggs are often grouped in with dairy, but eggs […]

Packing for Success
Getting ready to go on a trip, but feeling nervous about sticking to your diet? The most important thing you can do to avoid stressful situations or going off track is to plan ahead! There are so many options for healthy, non-perishable and packable snacks you can bring with you in case you find yourself […]

Carbohydrates: Friend or Foe?
Your diet is made up of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. All of which are macronutrients that have many different purposes in the human body, Carbohydrates provide fuel for your body and are important for your central nervous system and working muscles. Not to mention, many carbohydrates are rich in important nutrients for your body. The […]

Smoothies that Pack a Punch
Smoothies, smoothie & acai bowls, and protein shakes seem to be all the rage these days and are often promoted as a healthy option when you’re on the go! While smoothies CAN be healthy, unfortunately many conventional and store-bought smoothies are made with fruit-flavored syrups, juice, and few real health benefits. Even the smoothies that […]

Low Energy Availability: A Cautionary Tale
How many times have you heard the phrase “eat less, exercise more”? While that sounds fairly straightforward, chances are that you may have tried it and ended up hungry, frustrated, fatigued, and with more body fat than you began with. This is because, unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Think about your hunger levels on a […]

It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts! (Literally.)
Did you know that 70% of Americans have digestive related symptoms or diseases? That’s a BIG number! Let’s take a look inside to see what’s going on. This may come as a surprise, but the gut produces 75% of all neurotransmitters in the body and is home to millions of bacteria that are important for […]

Increasing Your Vegetable Intake with Ease
If you’re just getting accustomed to eating a diet rich in vegetables, you may be getting bored eating plain vegetables all the time. Or if you’re looking for ways to add more vegetables to your meals, you’ve come to the right place! A great thing about vegetables is that they are incredibly versatile and it’s […]

Vitamin D: The Trendiest Fall Accessory
As autumn begins to set in- unless you live in a tropical paradise – you’re probably all too familiar with the gray skies that seem to never end through the colder winter months. If you’re feeling trapped beneath chunky sweaters and wool scarves and missing that mood-boosting, skin-bronzing sunshine, you might also be missing an […]

Chemical Exposures in Food and How to Reduce Them
There is no question that a decrease in physical activity and an increased consumption of processed food products, fast-food, sugar, and saturated fat have contributed to the prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic disease, obesity, and autoimmune conditions in recent years. But chemical exposures in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, […]

Navigating a Potluck While Sticking to Your Diet
Potlucks are a fun way to gather with friends and relatives or coworkers and religious groups to share a meal that everyone can contribute to! But if you’re trying to stick to a particular dietary pattern or have special dietary restrictions, potlucks can be anxiety-inducing. Not to worry! By following a few easy tips and […]

Non-Scale Victories: Celebrate Them!
It’s Monday morning. After a weekend of socializing with friends or family, your heart is full as you reminisce on the memories you made and the fun you had. But then you remember that you may have gone a little overboard with the food you enjoyed and the cocktails you sipped. All of sudden your […]

Seasonal Fall Vegetables
One of the best things about fall is the plethora of seasonal vegetables that come with it, which are versatile, beautifully colorful, nutritious and so delicious! While most produce is available all year, in-season produce often has more nutrients, is higher quality, and is more likely to be grown locally. Since seasonal, locally grown produce […]

Alcohol and a Healthy Lifestyle – Do they mix?
*Disclaimer: Bad puns ahead. For many adults, consuming alcohol in moderation can be an enjoyable facet of social events and gatherings. However, alcohol in excess can have a significantly detrimental impact on your mental and physical health. High-caloric alcoholic beverages in particular can be an obstacle when it comes to achieving your fat-loss goals. No […]

Beginning Your Meal Prepping Journey (Part 4): Cooking!
You might be wondering, “If meal planning is so much work, why bother?” Well, here are some pretty great reasons why: Save money! If you make a plan, create a shopping list and stick to it, you will find it is much less costly than buying things at random. This way, you know exactly what […]

Beginning Your Meal Prepping Journey (Part 3): Stocking a Healthy Kitchen
This is perhaps the most exciting part of your meal prep journey. You’ve made space in the fridge, organized your pantry, stocked your kitchen with the proper equipment, and now it’s time to head to the store to fill up your kitchen with nutritious foods to improve your health and well-being! Before you go: Make […]

Beginning Your Meal Prepping Journey (Part 2): The Proper Kitchen Equipment
To execute your meal prepping in a safe and efficient manner, having the proper kitchen equipment is key to success! While you (understandably so) may be hesitant to invest in kitchen utensils or appliances, having handy, high-quality tools can save you a lot of time, money, and headache in the long run. The better the […]

Beginning Your Meal Prepping Journey (Part I): Transforming your Pantry and Fridge
If you are new to meal prepping and planning, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and confused about where to start. The important thing to remember is that with a little practice, you’ll be an efficient meal-planning machine. Now, where to begin? A great place to start, before you even step foot in the […]

Health-Promoting Recipes to Pumpkin-spice up your Fall
Ahhhh, September. The season of sweater weather, apple orchards, crisp fall air, changing leaves, and pumpkin-spice flavored everything. While there is no denying the satisfaction and pure deliciousness of pumpkin-flavored beverages and treats, they are oftentimes laden with sugar, saturated fat, and artificial flavors that can derail your diet and your health. Fortunately for pumpkin-lovers […]

The Benefits of Seeds
Seeds may be tiny, but they are mighty! Seeds are considered superfoods because they are packed with nutrients and can be added to any dish. They are a fantastic source of healthy fats and can be used as a protein substitute. Keep reading to learn about the most common types of seeds you can use […]

Ways to Reduce Kitchen Waste
If you’re an avid home cook (or even just an occasional home cook), you know that cooking yields a LOT of waste! While we may not think that all of that waste is useable, there are surprisingly many ways to repurpose waste and limit how much you produce. Keep reading to see how you can […]

Workouts for your Mental Health
While workouts are mainly used to exercise your body, they can also be used to exercise and relax your mind. Exercise is proven to have a positive effect on a person’s mental state and can help decrease stress levels, improve energy levels, and give you peace of mind, Breathing Exercises If you’re feeling stressed […]

Beginners Guide: Plant-Based Diet
Plant-based diets are known to very healthy but also very difficult. If done correctly, having a plant-based diet can drastically improve a person’s health. Keep reading to find out if a plant-based diet is the right choice for you! Should I Try Plant-Based? If you’re looking to make a change, first think of what […]

Superfood Myth: Açai
In recent years, we’ve all heard about the wonders of this mysterious superfood: açai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE). While açai does taste great, especially to all of you açai-bowl lovers out there, it’s been labeled as a seemingly mythical food that can solve all of your nutritional needs. We’re here to discuss what exactly açai is […]

Forget to Drink Water? Here are a Few Tips
One of the most critical factors in weight loss is staying hydrated, but it can be pretty hard to get your full water intake throughout the day (especially when life gets a little hectic). It is recommended that men drink around 15 cups of water a day (3.7 liters), and women drink about 11 cups […]

Tips for Effective Grocery Shopping
Grocery shopping is a joy for some and a pain for others. Whether you enjoy shopping or loathe it, we could all use a few tips on getting the most out of our trip. Due to the pandemic, we likely aren’t visiting the store as often. By having fewer trips, we need to buy more […]

All About Fiber
Fiber is a commonly misunderstood nutrient that has wondrous effects on the body. While fiber may be unpleasant at certain times (we all know what happens when we have too much fiber), it is essential to know just how beneficial this nutrient is. Keep reading to learn about the different types of fiber and why […]

Work from Home Work-Outs
Now that most gyms in the country are closed, we all have to find new and creative ways to stay active. If you’re working from home, you are likely feeling that it’s hard to get enough exercise. We’re here to show you that it’s possible to work from home and get a solid workout! […]

Summer’s Seasonal Produce
It’s easy to buy a variety of different fruits and vegetables in the US, even ones that aren’t currently in season. While it’s nice to have access to put-of-season produce, many of those items are shipped from other countries and faraway places. This results in products that are less fresh, more expensive, and less nutritious. […]

Fad Diets: Ins & Outs
There’s a new diet created every few years, each claiming to be a foolproof way to lose weight. As we all know, these diets RARELY work and cause more harm than good. What makes a diet more successful than another, and why haven’t we discovered the best way to lose weight? We’re here to discuss […]

What Cravings Mean and How to Combat Them
What is one of the hardest parts about trying to lose weight and eat healthily? Cravings. Whether you crave chocolate, bread, or carbs in general, it’s usually something we’re trying to eat less of. Why do we have these specific cravings? We’re here to answer that question- keep reading to find out! Why […]

Incorporating Your Diet Into Your Social Life
While dieting is already a challenge all on its own, trying to diet while also trying to stay socially active is a whole other beast. Even though being social isn’t possible during the current pandemic, these tips will help make your transition back into society a lot healthier. By incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle, […]

How to Add Flavor (Not Calories) To Your Food
We’ve all assumed that if we want to sacrifice calories, we need to sacrifice flavor. However, we’re here to show you how to season your food so you can say goodbye to bland chicken breast and hello to a tasty and healthy meal. These seasonings have less than ten calories per serving, making them an […]

New Year’s Resolution Check-In
Now that it is officially July, we’ve reached the halfway point of 2020! It has been a challenging year for all of us, but hopefully it hasn’t deterred us from following through with our resolutions! Whether you’ve been faithfully trying to reach your goals or decided to focus on other things in life, here are […]

What is Bloating, and How Do I Get Rid of It?
While bloating is entirely normal, it can be a pesky problem for anyone wanting to lose weight. How can you tell the difference between bloating and weight gain? What are the ways to minimize bloating? We’re here to give you our best tips on how to do so! What is Bloating? Bloating is […]

Healthy Meals to Cook with Kids
As a parent, cooking isn’t always an enjoyable process. Cooking a meal that your kids will like is hard enough! But cooking a meal that not only your kids will love but also your diet will like, may seem impossible. An easy way to get the best of both worlds is to include your kids […]

How to Spot Hidden Sugars in Foods
We understand that it can be difficult knowing exactly how much sugar your food really has when you’re trying to watch the amount of sugar you’re eating. Reduced sugar? Low Sugar? No Sugar? What exactly does that all mean? We’re here to help you learn what these confusing food labels mean and how to know […]

Weight Loss and Alcohol: What’s the Relationship?
Does drinking alcohol make you gain weight? Is there a limit to how much I should have? How many calories are in a single serving? These are all common questions we get here at G-Plans. Alcohol is known for being related to weight gain, but not all drinks have the same effect. If you’d like […]

How to Extend Your Produce’s Shelf Life
If you’ve ever bought fresh produce, only to be confused when it spoils only two days later, you aren’t alone! During our busy lives, the last thing we want to do is constantly having food spoil in our refrigerator (definitely doesn’t make dieting any easier!). Different vegetables have different methods of storing them. So if […]

Food Spotlight: Turmeric
I’m sure you’ve heard that turmeric is known as a superfood. But what exactly is it and what does it do? Does it really live up to the hype? Turmeric spice is a member of the ginger family and is commonly used in medicine and cuisine in Asia and India. Its bright yellow-gold color gives […]

Guide to Plant-Based Milk
Plant-based milk has exploded in popularity over the past decade. Walking past the milk aisle in any grocery store is evidence of its popularity, with shelves that contain seemingly endless varieties of non-dairy milk! Whether you’re making the switch to plant-based milk to support your diet, cut out dairy, or try new options, it can […]

Immune-Boosting Water Infusions
When it comes to health and weight loss, staying hydrated is an essential factor to keeping the metabolism running hot, reducing cravings, and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Most importantly, it plays a vital role in removing toxins from the body. Increasing your water intake can help prevent toxins from building up in the body and […]

5 Healthy Pantry Inspired Meals
With pantries stocked with non-perishable items, finding ways to create tasty recipes that won’t throw you off track may be difficult. On the other hand, utilizing pantry staples is not only a great way to learn new cooking techniques and recipes, but it also helps reduce frequency of running to the grocery store. Check out […]

Improve Your Sleep to Boost Immunity
Sleep is underestimated, especially when it comes to the health benefits that it can provide. On top of it playing a vital role in improving concentration, memory, reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, enhancing athletic performance, sleep is particularly essential in strengthening the immune system. The Center of Disease Control (CDC) recommends at least 7 hours per […]

Easy Homemade Desserts for a Night In
Staying in for the night has recently become more of a necessity than a choice. Luckily, staying in doesn’t have to be boring! Whether you’re living with family, a significant other, roommates, or living solo, experimenting with delicious recipes can keep you and your taste buds excited. Don’t be wary of these decadent recipes, they […]

How to Stay Active (Mentally and Physically) When Home
Much like what is happening around the rest of the world, social-distancing and staying home is an essential part of protecting ourselves and loved ones during this uncertain time. While we do our part during this COVID-19 pandemic, we might also find ourselves staying on top of the latest Netflix show or constantly refreshing a […]

Longest Lasting Fruit and Vegetables to Stock Up On
As we have noticed, non-perishable food items are being wiped clean from the shelves, making it much more difficult to stock up on essentials. This means a lot of people are ignoring some other fruits and vegetables that have a much longer shelf life than we expect. Here are some of the best foods to […]

The Best Foods to Boost your Immune System
Rushing to the grocery store at this time, may not be as easily accessible as it normally is. Surprisingly, a lot of common foods in your refrigerator or pantry can be amazing sources of vitamin C! Whether you enjoy these foods as a snack or incorporate them into your meals, they are sure to provide […]

Best Ways to Keep your Food and Meals Interesting
Let’s be honest here…eating the same thing everyday may not be the most exciting thing to do. However, when there are limitations in food availability or simply wanting to follow a structured meal program, exploring new ways to keep your meals flavorful (yet healthy) can be the solution to monotonous foods. Here are some pro […]

Prepping your Fridge for a Week of At-Home Meals
Let’s face it, cooking every day can be daunting to do, especially when running to the grocery store is a difficult thing to do. Meal prepping, however, plays a vital role when it comes to reaching any health goal. To reduce the stress and intimation, follow these helpful tips for meal prepping to stay on […]

Snacking – Eat This, Not That
Believe it or not, snacking is an essential part of reaching a weight loss goal. In fact, incorporating a few snacks in your diet can play a vital role in maintaining energy levels, reducing overeating at mealtime, and boosting your metabolism. However, not all snacking provides the same benefits. Check out these top five snacking […]

Importance of Sticking to a Routine, even when Working from Home
If you are among the thousands of individuals who have been mandated to work from home, you might be feeling a bit frazzled. The change of routine can often bring a sense of disruption and uncertainty. Keeping on a routine, however, can be the answer to keeping stress low and maintaining progress with a healthier […]

How to Order Healthy Take-Out
With the recent news of COVID-19, it may be difficult to decide what to do for your meals. Whether there is not enough food on the shelves in the grocery stores to gather ingredients for your healthy, homemade meals, or if you are avoiding the grocery store to prevent catching the virus. Either way, ordering […]

Get Your Heart Working This Valentine’s Day!
February 14th is when many of us turn our thoughts to dates, roses, hearts, and love for Valentine’s Day. Studies show that spending time with your loved one or partner reduces daily cortisol production, suggesting that time spent in romantic love can decrease our stress response. However, we have this entire month to focus on […]

Hungry After Breakfast Again! What’s Going On?
Research shows that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight compared to those who skip breakfast. In addition, it can have long-term health benefits such as reducing risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Eating breakfast not only gives your body the energy it needs for the day, but […]

5 Tips for Better Meal Prep
Truth is- meal prepping can be an intimidating task! The idea of being in the kitchen for a long period of time can seem exhausting and make you want to rethink your decision to get it done. However, not only can meal prepping actually make a huge impact in helping you reach your goals, it […]

Does Skipping Snacks Affect Your Weight Loss?
You just started your weight loss journey and although you are feeling energized, motivated, and ready to go; you may be wondering how you are possibly going to fit all that food into your day. Maybe you’ve been wondering if it matters if you skip your snacks since they are small or you aren’t feeling […]

Are You Letting Your Water Intake Slide?
Perhaps you have heard from your doctor, friend, or nutritionist about the importance of drinking enough water each day. Maybe your friend recently shared that they got a new water bottle to help increase their water intake after noticing they didn’t drink nearly enough. You are constantly reminded about this but may have never taken […]

New Meal Plan. Now What?
If you are just embarking on your weight loss journey, you may have your meal plan set up and feel ready to go. However, you may also be feeling a little overwhelmed. If you are unsure what to do first or where to go next, don’t worry you are not alone! There is a lot […]

How To Get Started On Your Journey
Now that all the holiday celebrations are over, you may be feeling a little relieved and have officially decided that your goal this year is to lose the additional weight once and for all. You want to get started on your health and wellness journey and so that you can look back on your progress […]

G-Plans Nutritionists Share Their New Year’s Resolutions
Although we all want to make the smartest and healthiest decisions every single day of the year, the reality is that it’s very hard to do so! Even when we have the best intentions some of our goals and our habits slip away and we need to be reminded of them. In fact, this is […]

3 One-Skillet Meals That Won’t Disappoint
We all have the best intentions when it comes to our meal planning and preparation. Let’s be honest though, meal planning and cooking can be a lot of work! Sometimes during a busy week we get behind on our preparation and look for something easier to make. On top of our planning, grocery shopping, preparing, […]

The #1 Habit You Should Have to Lose Weight
In a weight loss journey you need to have the discipline, motivation, willpower, and consistency to see the results that you want. While there are many factors and habits that go into your journey, there is definitely one that stands out above all others: tracking your food intake. If you feel a little overwhelmed about […]

Change Your Goals This Season: Why Maintenance Is the Secret to Success
Did you know the average American gains anywhere between five and ten pounds during the holiday season? This generally happens when people enter the holidays with the mindset that they will simply “get back on track after the New Year” and in the meantime, kick their entire journey to the curb. However, research shows that […]

How to Avoid Holiday Confrontation While Dieting
The holidays are generally centered around traditions. These traditions usually consist of holiday parties, site-seeing, decorating, cooking traditional foods, and baking delicious treats. This can often trigger anxious thoughts when you are making a healthier lifestyle change. Will your loved ones be upset when traditional dishes are altered? Or perhaps you’re not making your famous […]

Avoid The Chicken Struggle
Is chicken your go-to protein when you’re preparing your lunches and dinner? Although this quick and easy protein is something that you love and are used to, you feel like it may be getting a little old and it’s time to change up that recipe you’ve been using over-and-over again the past few weeks. In […]

Don’t Go at It Alone! Sharing Your Goals Could Help You Lose Weight Faster
Have you started your weight loss journey and hit a point where you felt like you just could not do it on your own? You tell yourself that you will stick with your meal plan, exercise multiple times per week, and get right back on track after your indulgent meal- but that doesn’t always happen. […]

How to Enjoy More Than Just the Food This Holiday Season
Although there are lots of delicious foods we look forward to during the holiday season, there are also many fun activities and events to look forward to as well. This season, in addition to enjoying all the scents, tastes, and colors at your holiday table try bringing your focus to other non food-related things. Here […]

No Food Scale? No Problem! Here’s Your Guide to Estimating Portion Sizes
Have you ever found yourself at a social gathering, out for dinner, or enjoying someone else’s cooking, but aren’t sure how to accurately track your food? You don’t have a food scale or measuring cups with you and just don’t know where to begin. This doesn’t have to be the case every time – don’t […]

The Best Recipes For a Cold Night
As the days get shorter and cooler, you may come home feeling tired and not really in the mood to cook. This is a very common feeling as winter approaches, but preparing some delicious meals ahead of time can prevent you from stressing out about what to make after a long day. Try out any […]

At the Airport This Season? Here’s How You Can Stay On Track!
The holiday season is here and while it is a very exciting and joyful time, it can also be a bit stressful. Some people have the ability to celebrate the holidays in their own home or perhaps somewhere local. However, many people may find themselves traveling this time of year. The idea of having to […]

Need Help Staying Motivated This Winter? Here’s Some Tips!
You finally have your fitness routine down. You finally figured out what you enjoy doing to stay active through the spring and summer…then winter hits. Now that the days are getting shorter and cooler, it’s becoming harder to keep up with your routine and easier to skip your workout. However, it doesn’t have to be […]

A Delicious G-Plans Approved Day
When beginning a weight loss journey, you may worry that you will have to give up some of your favorite foods and feel restricted or deprived. However, this is not true! You can eat a delicious array of foods, have lots of options, and still enjoy some treats you love in moderation. A sustainable weight […]

Is Thanksgiving Ruining Your Progress?
Thanksgiving is right around the corner; and while this holiday is an exciting and fun time to spend with friends and family it may also bring about some anxiety and overwhelm when it comes to your weight loss journey. Even though Thanksgiving comes with lots of food, leftovers, and sweets, this one particular holiday does […]

Dunkin’ Drinks That Won’t Ruin Your Waistline
As the holiday season begins, you can be sure to see the bright pink, green, and red signs outside of your local Dunkin’ advertising the sweet holiday treats. These holiday treats include peppermint mocha, toasted gingerbread lattes, and the winter white chocolate swirl latte. You can definitely enjoy these treats throughout the season but be […]

Why Stopping for the Burger Is Better Than Skipping a Meal
Think back to the time you were rushing out the door in the morning, you barely remembered your bag and phone and then three quarters of your way to work you remember that you left your lunch on the kitchen counter! You are frustrated because you spent a lot of time preparing your meals this […]

Dr. Goglia’s Tips For Your Cheat Meal
Have you ever started a diet and felt extremely restricted or deprived? The truth is, you don’t have to feel this way to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle! You can enjoy your favorite foods all while eating healthy and still losing weight. One way to do this is to include a cheat meal […]

Tips to Easily Digest Nutrition Labels
Have you ever found yourself standing in a grocery store aisle confused, unsure, and a little lost as you read over the many words and numbers on nutrition facts labels? You may be trying to determine whether one food is healthier for you than another but you don’t know what to look for. It is […]

The Best Fall Finds At The Farmer’s Market
Spending some time at the farmer’s market can not only leave you with some delicious fruits and vegetables, but can also be a fun place to enjoy a few hours with friends or family! Every farmer’s market is a little different and may have a unique vibe and feeling. Some may have live music playing, […]

3 Reasons Why You May Be Eating Healthy But Not Losing Weight
Do you feel like you are doing everything right in your health and wellness journey but not seeing the results you want? You are exercising multiple times per week, eating all the fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein but still seeing no changes to your body? Don’t worry! This can be a common occurrence […]

Top Benefits of Drinking Matcha
If you have recently been to a coffee or tea shop, then you may have seen a popular green powder that is made into delicious hot or iced drinks. This green powder is called matcha and it has increased in popularity over the past few years. It can now be found served in multiple ways […]

How to Slow Down and Enjoy Your Food
Do you feel like you are consistently on-the-go or rushing when it comes to eating your meals and snacks? Maybe you finally prepped your meals for the week, everything is planned out and it’s time for you to finally sit down to enjoy dinner. Oh no! But then you remembered all the laundry that has […]

It’s Time for Some Mexican Food!
If you are following a meal plan or perhaps seeking a healthier lifestyle, dining out can be a daunting thing to manage. However, in the case the Mexican Cuisine is something that you absolutely love, luckily there are some helpful and delicious ways to keep yourself on track.So the next time you find yourself at […]

How to Use The Weekend to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Week
After a long week of hard work, you are probably ready for a relaxing weekend! Depending on what you enjoy doing during the weekend, Saturday and Sunday may look a little different for everyone. Some people love to be active while others look forward to sitting in their home with a good book, movie, or […]

3 Steps to Maintain Your Weight During the Holidays
Holiday season is officially upon us and with that comes a lot of parties, festivities and food! This time of year can be challenging and overwhelming when working on your health and wellness journey. In order to reduce some of the stress you may be feeling, entering the holidays with a plan to keep you […]

How to Stay Healthy This Halloween
We are only days away from Halloween and that means lots of candy and sweets are upon us! Halloween is a very fun time to be with friends, family members, neighbors and dress up with your children! However, Halloween can also be overwhelming when it comes to the amount of sweets that are in front […]

How to Stay Motivated to Move Your Body Everyday
Have you set a new goal of getting more active? Are you working on getting those steps in even when the weather may be cooling off? Are you looking to be at a certain point by the end of the year? Maybe you answered yes to all of these questions, but may be having difficulty […]

5 Tips to Get You Through Tailgate Season
Not everyone is a big football fan during the Fall season. However, if you happen to be a big football fan or have attended games before you have probably attended tailgates as well! If you regularly go to football games, you may be attending tailgates every weekend or possibly every other. With tailgates, comes lots […]

Why Macro Tracking Is a Lifestyle Change and Not a Diet
If you’re looking to lose weight, change your life, and have long-term success in your journey, you want to do something that will work well for you that you can stick to. You want to make sure that you are eating in a way that fits right into your lifestyle and schedule and allows you […]

How to Choose the Healthiest Granola
Granola is a food item that sometimes has a big health halo effect. It may look very healthy on the outside, but it is sometimes filled with lots of sugar and extra unhealthy fats. Many brands of granola contain more sweetener than protein by weight and can even be classified as a sweet or grain […]

5 Ways to Enhance the Benefits of Your Food Log
As the holidays are approaching, you may be feeling overwhelmed or find that you are busier than usual. Feeling this anxiety of overwhelm during this time of year is very common and can sometimes get in the way of us working on our goals and continuing with our healthy habits. Instead of approaching this season […]

3 Ways to Reset your Internal Clock for Better Sleep
Do you have trouble winding down at the end of the evening? Is the clock telling you it is your bedtime but you feel far from that, wide awake and ready to take on the day again instead of hitting the sack. If this is the case, you may need to reset your circadian rhythm. […]

3 High Protein Breakfasts That You Will Love!
Do you ever feel like you are making sure that you eat a good breakfast, you even plan it out the night before, but then you find that less than an hour after you have eaten you feel hungry again! You are confused because if you are eating breakfast, shouldn’t you be staying full for […]

10 Ways to Enjoy Additional Fruits and Vegetables
Having an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet is very important. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins, minerals, and fiber and make for a great snack or addition to any meal. Although there are certain fruits and vegetables that are specific to each season, it can sometimes be difficult to get enough fruits […]

5 Tips For Eating at a Holiday Gathering
The end of 2019 is quickly approaching! There are fewer than 90 days left in the year which can sometimes seem overwhelming. It is easy to get swept away during the holiday season and feel out of control when it comes to your nutrition. Spending time with friends and family is something that many look […]

How To Begin Your Journey in a Non-Overwhelming Way
So you want to begin your weight loss (or macro tracking) journey, but you just don’t know where to start! You have one friend telling you to follow this, a coworker telling you to follow something else, and lots of companies trying to market and sell you their latest diet pill, detox, or other weight […]

Healthy Eating Tips for Vegetarians
There are many different reasons why people choose a vegetarian eating style. If you plan your meals and snacks properly a vegetarian diet can be healthy, taste great and provide health benefits in preventing and treating certain diseases. Vegetarians usually follow a diet that excludes meat, poultry and seafood. Vegetarians may have different preferences and […]

Tips For Reading a Food Label
An important part of choosing your foods when out shopping or planning meals for the week is knowing how to read the food labels. Understanding how to read the labels will help you learn more about the foods you eat. When reading a food label, there are a few places where you should start and […]

Healthy Eating On-The-Go
You probably find that you eat out a lot. It’s very common and is also both a convenience and social aspect of a person’s life. A lot of the time you’re looking for fast and easy food that also tastes good to fit into your busy day. Depending on how you spend your day, you […]

Three Big Mistakes People Make With Macro Tracking
If you are new to tracking your intake it can feel overwhelming at the beginning. You aren’t sure exactly how much you’re supposed to be eating and how to properly input portion sizes into your tracker. There is a lot to learn when it comes tracking macronutrients. You have to understand how to properly weigh […]

Healthy Fats Do Not Make You Fat
What is dietary fat? Fat is one of the three main macronutrients. Similar to proteins and carbohydrates our bodies need fat in order to work as efficiently as possible! Fat gives our bodies some energy, helps absorb vitamins and protects our heart and brain health. Fats also play a role in helping manage our mood, […]

Why Carbohydrates Are Necessary For A Healthy Diet
Eating carbohydrates often gets a negative rap, especially when it comes to weight gain. However, carbohydrates aren’t bad at all. In fact, they are one of the three macronutrients that our bodies need for optimal health. Carbohydrates have a place in your diet, but it is important to understand that some carbohydrates are better for […]

Protein’s Role in Our Bodies
Although you want to ensure that you are getting enough of all your macro and micronutrients, protein is a very important macronutrient to pay attention to. Having adequate protein each day plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. Protein is made up of amino acids that are commonly known as building blocks since they […]

Why You Must Track Macronutrients and Not Just Calories
When beginning a weight loss journey, tracking your intake is key to success. Doing this helps you see exactly what you’re eating and the breakdown of all of your foods. Although looking at calories can give you an idea of how much you should be eating each day, it does not give you an […]

Why a Food Scale Is One of Your Best Tools
When beginning a weight loss journey, there are a few tools that are necessary to help you be successful with your journey. One very important tool is a food scale. A food scale is a great tool to use in order to see the amounts and serving sizes of the foods you’re eating. Read […]

All About Probiotics
You may have heard of friends or family taking probiotics as a supplement. However, you may not know what they are, what they do, or who they are for? That’s why we’re here to help explain who may find probiotics helpful and when you should take them. What are probiotics? Probiotics are […]

Fun Lunch Ideas to Kickstart Your Week!
Now that summer is over, school is back in session and most of us are back into our normal routines, it’s time to re-kick that focus into high gear! Lunchtime can be one of the most difficult meals of the day to regularly keep healthy if you aren’t prepared. So while you’re making your kids […]

Stop Labeling Foods as Good or Bad
All of us have been guilty of categorizing foods as either “good” or “bad.” It’s a habit that has been instilled in all of us by many influences. Even though foods are sometimes marketed as “junk food” or “bad,” here’s why you should stop attaching those labels and start looking at food in a new […]

Be Stronger Than the Fad Diets This Upcoming Holiday Season
September is here. That means there are only a few more months left in the year! And four months to hit the ground running with your goals and be ready for the upcoming holidays. The next couple of months will fly by and be filled with events and holidays, one right after another. First Halloween […]

Fun Ways to Stay Active This Fall!
The weather is finally beginning to cool down in most places! The leaves are beginning to change color and the light jackets and fall boots are coming out. If you live in a place with all four seasons, you know that there are lots of fall festivities happening and activities to partake in. Although the […]

Packed Lunches Aren’t Just For The Kids!
Now that we are on the first (or second) week of the school year, there’s a solid routine that we all know well: lunches ready to go! Even if you aren’t a parent, most of us can definitely remember being kids and having our parents hand us over a pre-made lunch to haul to school. […]

Routines to Start the Night Before!
Healthy bedtime habits are major foundations for great things in our lives. Having a solid bedtime routine can promote better sleep, less stress, and more time! How you might ask? We’re happy to share some (of many) habits to start implementing before going to bed to improve overall well-being! Have your stuff ready to […]

How to Navigate an All-You-Can-Eat Style Restaurant
Have you ever been on a vacation and the only options for dining were buffets? Perhaps you were looking for a place to eat on the weekend and a new buffet caught your eye! Buffets can be difficult to navigate, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible to eat well at one. The next time […]

Walking For 10 Minutes a Day Makes a Huge Difference: It’s Pretty NEAT!
Do you ever feel like you have no time to get to workout? You want to do some sort of physical activity, but then you feel too overwhelmed and end up doing nothing? Although a gym or fitness studio is a great place to get a workout in, there are many things you can […]

How are you Going to Spend your Labor Day Weekend?
Everyone loves an extra day off, and boy do we need it sometimes! Three-day weekends are full of sleeping in and maybe a few parties. It’s important to utilize these days off well, so that you feel refreshed when you hop back to work on Tuesday. So how are you spending your holiday weekend? We’ve […]

Easy Ways to Kick Start your Day!
Taking small steps in the right direction is the best way to set yourself up for a successful day! Any amount of effort counts. Sometimes those small steps earlier in the day can lead to a more accomplished one by the end of it. Getting your brain focused on little healthy habits at the beginning […]

Do Not Forget About Yourself this Upcoming Back-2-School Season!
It’s Back-2-School season and, for a lot of us, that means it is a very hectic and busy time of the year. You have to make sure your shopping is all done, have a plan in place for your child’s meals and snacks, ensure that their after school activities and sports are lined […]

Why Your Evening Routine is the Catalyst to Your Morning Routine
Do you find yourself waking up to the alarm ringing for the 2nd…3rd…or even 4th time? You may have gone to bed late and now it’s time to start your day but you’re just too exhausted and have hit that snooze button one too many times. Then, before you even get out of […]

What an Eggcellent way to Start the Week!
Health media has been back and forth about how we should consider incorporating eggs into a regular diet. For many years we’ve heard people say to avoid eggs, to avoid yolks, or just eat the whole thing! As it turns out, eggs can be a really excellent source of nutrition. So let’s debunk some out […]

Gently Leap into the Weekend – How to Relax and Stay on Track
How do we power through the weekend to stay on track, but also to relax? You have to find what works best in your life in order to continue onto the next week. Here are some tricks we use to keep us motivated, but also allow ourselves the freedom to relax a bit! Focus […]

Have Fun with Snacks!
Snacks can be as simple as apples and peanut butter to tie you over until your next meal. Other times, there’s a want for a more interesting snack to help keep away from junk food. The key to sustaining a meal plan is to find a way to enjoy it. So start with some fun […]

Why Your Metabolism Needs Time to Recover From Past Diets
If you’re beginning to eat in a sustainable way and are wondering why you’re not dropping weight right away, there may be an answer for you! Your metabolism needs to recover in order to work optimally. If you have been a chronic yo-yo dieter for many years, your body is going to have […]

How Should I Navigate Cheat Meals?
Once you start a diet, you might feel like you want to be perfectly on track and not miss a day! However, the difference between dieting and eating in a lasting, sustainable way is making sure you are not restricting anything. If you are very strict with your diet and feel like you […]

Meal Planning on a Budget
As many people are heading back to school this week, it probably means that bank accounts are being hit with new clothes and book shopping. Meal prepping sometime can be very expensive, but just because you’re on a tight budget doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy. So how do we eat healthy without going in […]

How to Begin Prepping for Back-to-School
Back-to-school is right around the corner for many of us. Preparing for a new school year involves a lot of wheels turning to get things moving. Whether you have children or you yourself are on your way back to class, preparation is a good idea to help set up for a successful school year. Here […]

Enjoy Fun Frozen Treats and Stay on Track
Sometimes having a sweet tooth craving might come with a specific reason, like needing more calories or carbohydrates in our daily diet. Other times we crave sweets because it’s what our brain wants! Summertime is always full of rich foods, fun BBQs, and lots of ice cream! Trying to stick to a meal plan when […]

How to Avoid the Monday Morning Resets
Many times we begin a meal plan and get very excited thinking about what’s to come. We begin our first week doing very well but then the weekend comes and that’s when the challenge arises. We know what to do all week to stay on track, but then we’re stuck at the BBQ […]

How to Get in and out of the Grocery Store as Quickly as Possible
A huge part of our success can be attributed to the planning and preparing of meals and snacks. This begins with the first step: grocery shopping! Grocery shopping can seem like a daunting task to some and a very fun one for others. Although it can be overwhelming at times, especially a busy […]

Busy Week Ahead? Quick Ways to Prepare
Do you have a busy week ahead of you, but you’re not quite ready to meal prep for your whole week? No worries! Meal prepping isn’t for everyone, and it doesn’t always work for all schedules. There are ways to save some time by cutting corners in areas you can, but still make a full […]

Stop Saying “No” to Yourself
Changing habits, starting a new lifestyle, or sometimes breaking old habits are all usually paired with saying “no” to yourself… a lot. How do we make changes for the better, but not feel like we’re constantly saying “no” to ourselves? Healthy habit changes can come with a lot of baggage, and carrying all that around […]

Aiming for Quality, But What Does That Really Mean?
The meal plans at G-Plans, and many others out there, have shifted to focus from calorie counting to macro counting. Have you ever wondered why calories aren’t the prime focus? That’s a reasonable question, especially when diet culture for years has been telling us to focus on nothing but the calories! Our goal at G-Plans, […]

Why Consistency over Perfection Is the Key to Success in Your Journey
A lot of the time when we begin a wellness journey, we strive for perfection. We go into it with an all-or-nothing mentality and we feel guilty when we can’t be perfect every day. However, the key to being successful in a weight-loss or health journey is not to be perfect but rather to be […]

Stressed? Here’s Three Tips to Work Through the Stress Eating!
Are you struggling with emotional or stress eating? Perhaps you’re coming home from work at the end of the day stressed to then raid the cabinets for anything you can find? Or are you struggling to put your fork down even after you know you feel full? ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ If you are using […]

Start Preparing for Winter Now
August just started, so we know it might sound a little hasty to start preparing for winter. But the early bird gets the worm, and there’s no harm in starting to stock up for the colder months. Curious what we mean by stocking up? Saving Fresh Herbs Nothing is more annoying than when you […]

Getting Past the Instagram Filter
Social media opens a lot of windows and doors for us. Often it’s a great source to get inspiration from. Whether it’s work week lunch ideas, room design, or funny puppy videos to get through the day, there’s a lot of variety to spur ideas and creativity. Quick check in — don’t forget to remind […]

Should I Be Eating So Much?
Taking on a new meal plan comes with a lot of changes for some. It might be a new way to approach grocery shopping, or it could be incorporating a few more fruits than you’re used too. Many feelings can come up as you take steps towards changing any habits, but one of the most […]

Three Tips to Help You Work Through Cravings
We sometimes can’t ignore the cravings that take over our minds during that late afternoon waiting- to-get-out-of-work feeling. We want to rush to fulfill that craving and think that it will automatically lead us to satisfaction. However, what usually ends up happening is we overindulge or wish that we didn’t give in to that little […]

Your Progress Speaks More Than the Number on the Scale
When we think of our health and wellness journeys, sometimes we put too much of a focus on the weight loss and not on other key components of our health. Although we all want the number on the scale to be lower each week on our weigh-in day, the scale is not always the […]

Why are Snacks Important?
Have you ever thought, “Gosh, this snack is so little calories does it even matter if I eat it?” or “I’m not really hungry for a snack. I’d rather just skip it.” These are common questions we find our clients asking themselves as they begin to navigate their meal plans. We’re here to tell you, […]

How to take meal preps when you live a life on-the-go?
Sticking with healthy eating habits is challenging when we begin our journey, but with time and consistency things to get easier! Most of us live extremely busy lives, which is why we recommend meal prepping as much as you can to save yourself time in the kitchen throughout the week. But how do we make […]

Meal Prepping? The Freezer May Be Your Best Friend!
Whether your meal prepping day is Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or is a struggle to be scheduled into the week, the thought of this task can sometimes be daunting and feel overwhelming. Meal planning and prepping doesn’t have to take up multiple days of your week. In fact, by using some of the tips […]

Tips for Portion Control When You’re Outside of the House!
When beginning a weight loss or health journey you start to pay close attention to the foods that you are eating. One thing that you’ll begin to pay close attention to is the amount of food that you are eating throughout the day. Knowing how to estimate portion sizes and being able to control […]

Reminder: Carbs aren’t Scary!
One of the most common concerns with most clients starting G-plans is the amount of carbohydrates. We wanted to take the time to address those concerns today. With many diets out there and long-time bashing of carbohydrates, we’re here to remind you carbs are nothing to be scared of! Brain Fuel Our brains literally […]

Mid-Summer Cool Down
As the summer starts to peak, so seems the temperatures (or so we hope). Here are some tips on how to keep cool when the high temps and high humidity might have you sweating! Spice Up Your Water Would you expect anything otherwise? Of course our first tip is to drink water. But no […]

Healthy Fast-Food Tips for the Days You’re on the Go!
Even if you are a person who plans your meals to the T for the week, sometimes things in life come up and the easiest thing for us to do is drive up to the closest fast food place for lunch or dinner. The truth is, it is hard to eat well when […]

Struggling with Eating Out? Here’s What You Should Look for on a Menu!
Eating out is something that many people love to do for multiple reasons. You don’t have to cook or clean, you can try new types of cuisines and you can socialize with your family and friends. Many people who begin a weight loss or health journey get overwhelmed when it comes to […]

Pick Things Up & Put Them Down
Do you spend your exercise goal mostly doing cardio? Ever considered lifting a few weights to burn that fat faster? Here’s a few reasons why we love to pick things up and crush it at the gym week after week! Adding Variety Running day after day or continuously doing the same high intensity cardio […]

We’ve Gone Bananas!
Bananas are an easy fruit to incorporate into your day-to-day, and it’s probably one of the most universally enjoyed fruits across the planet. Have you ever thought to think about why bananas are so great (besides their taste)?! We’ll we’re not monkeying around, we’re bananas about bananas and here’s why! Nutrient Dense Fruit According […]

Are you Full of Fiber?
Dietary Fiber is an important nutrient that is necessary in everyday diets. The recommended intake of total fiber is roughly 25g/d – 38g/d depending on age and gender, according to the Dietary Reference Intakes. However, on average most people within the United States eat half the recommended amount of dietary fiber per day. Low or […]

Considering Keto? Here’s Why You Might Want to Hold Off
Keto is one of many new diet crazes that seems to have taken the world by storm. Many clients come to G-Plans asking about the Keto Diet. So what’s the general consensus of it? We’ll let you make the decision for yourself, but here are some reasons you may want to hold on a sec […]

Is Intermittent Fasting Ideal for Everyone?
Keeping up with health trends, what’s healthy, and “what works” can cause a major headache. It seems like every day someone is coming out with a new way to eat, to burn fat faster, or avoid eating in some cases. Intermittent Fasting is a style of eating, which often promotes an idea of freedom with […]

Add Variety in Your Workout Routine!
Doing the same workout every day sounds pretty boring to us. While you may enjoy one workout over another, it’s always good to have a variety of different workouts to choose from throughout the week. If you’re guilty of sticking to one thing, consider some of these reasons why you might want to add a […]

Hit that 60 Minute Exercise Goal!
Staying motivated to workout is tricky, but we promise there are easy ways to hit that 60 minute workout goal for the day! Incorporating exercise throughout the week doesn’t have to be a chore. There are lots of ways to make this daily goal become a regular habit you crave! Break It Up Break […]

Learn How to Take the Perfect Progress Photo!
Measuring points of progress through any health and fitness journey is important to maintain motivation. Change may not be easy, but it can be super rewarding to realize how far you’ve come in a journey. One of the best ways to see progress over time is a good progress photo. Progress photos have become […]

Not a Gym Goer? Learn How to Get Comfortable!
Getting a good workout in is tough, but it’s even harder if you’re trying to motivate yourself to go somewhere where you’re not entirely comfortable. Some people feel right at home walking into a gym, but know that ease and comfort takes time to build! Here are some tips on how to get comfortable when […]

Tree-mendously Popular Recipes
It’s Arbor Day! Here are some recipes to pine over after you’ve planted a tree or two! Roasted Butternut Squash with Pine Nuts It’s not too common that pine nuts are used in everyday cooking. It could be the cost of this pricey tree nut, but every once in awhile it’s worth the price. […]

Traveling and Sticking with a Meal Plan
As the summer months are quickly sneaking up, many of us are beginning our summer vacations, long weekends and beloved time off. There’s nothing quite like sitting poolside without a care in the world and nowhere to be. However, weekend trip after weekend trip can lead to saying “I’m going to put my healthy eating […]

Stay Sustainable, Every Day!
April 22 was Earth Day and a day to keep our Mother Earth in the forefront of our thoughts every day of the year, lets pick up a few sustainable habits to keep her pretty! There are lots of ways that we can cut down on waste all year long, and yes of course it […]

Bunny Snacks
As many of you know, Easter is on Sunday, so that means you better have some bunny snacks prepared. Didn’t realize you should have some snacks on hand? Don’t worry, we have a detailed list of things that are good for both bunnies and you! Carrots Obviously, bunnies like carrots. This is a no-brainer […]

Today’s All About Mushrooms!
Not a fan of mushrooms? That’s not an attitude to have on mushroom day! Today and everyday we should take the time to enjoy some fungus! Naturally a great source of vitamin D and low in carbohydrates, this is an easy ingredient to spruce up any meal. Still not so sure about it? We’ve got […]

How to Renew your Relationship with Food
Years of following different fad diets, conflicting advice between health professionals, and years of not finding wanted results can lead to a poor relationship with food. The brain could be chirping common thoughts that sound like: “That’s has too many carbs/fat. I can’t eat that.” “That’s a bad food, it causes ….” “I can’t have […]

Take a Walk on the Wild Side
There seems to be an unusual holiday for everyday of the week! Today we are celebrating “Take a Walk on the Wild Side!” It might be a bit of a mouthful, but let’s make this long-named holiday worth it! Check out some of the ways you take a walk on the wild side and have […]

Things to Remind Yourself When Trying to Lose Weight
If you’ve ever found yourself looking for resources on how to lose weight or how to eat healthy, you might realize how hard it is to find a valuable source. There are so many fad diets that contradict each other that it can be hard to keep track of what’s healthy and what’s not. Don’t […]

Midday Slump? Try These Pick-Me-Ups
Long work days can be the source of some real misery. It can be hard to motivate yourself to keep chugging along when you can barely keep your eyes open. Wondering how people survive these long nine-to-fives? Try adding some of these routines to your day to prevent the midday slump! Bring Snacks! Not […]

Springtime Good Morning Smoothies!
Rise and shine! Warm weather is here and it’s time to make the most of your day. Getting outside and enjoying the weather can be exhausting if you’re not fueling yourself with the best possible nutrients. And even though the days are longer, it still can be hard to consume all you need to in […]

World Health Day is Coming! What are you Doing to Celebrate?
World Health Day, April 7th, is the day of the year we bring awareness of health and wellness for everyone! This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) is bringing attention to health accessibility around the world. Healthcare is vitally important to be accessible for everyone, and is something that is more readily becoming available. However, […]

Hiking Snacks
We are beyond excited that the days are long enough (and warm enough) to take a nice hike any time of the day. Early morning, long drives to our favorite all-day hikes are some of the ways we try to stay active on our days off here at G-Plans. Of course, climbing mountains means we […]

Spring has Sprung! Best Fruits this time of year!
Previously we wrote a blog about all the wonderful vegetables that are springing into season. Now this week, we have all the fresh fruits you can find around town! Apples Apples, depending on the location, may be harvested in early spring. However, in the United States, apples are standard fruit that can be found i9n […]

The Month of the Pecan
Happy national pecan month! No we’re not fooling you, April Fools was yesterday! April is actually the month to recognize and appreciate pecans. Pecans are delicious little nuts that are usually spotted in a tasty pie. But did you know that these treats aren’t just great for pie? Pecans are naturally rich in lots of […]

Issues with Low Calorie Diets
One of the top questions from clients who start a meal plan with G-Plans is, “why am I expected to eat so much?” That’s a valid question that we want to answer today! Most diets are geared to lower calories to encourage weight loss, but that’s not what we’re about. Why Low Calorie Doesn’t […]

What’s Causing that Bloat? And How to Get Rid of It
Even if you’re eating right and working out hard enough to shed the pounds, you can still feel bloated! Bloat is something that haunts most of us who walk this planet, and can be an incredibly frustrating part of any healthy journey. It’s important to understand the ins and outs of what might be causing […]

Are you Taking Time to Eat?
Modern society has us running around like crazy. Typically people work 50 hours or more in a week. More often than not, we don’t take the right amount of time to just relax. Finding time to work, socialize, workout, eat healthy and stay hydrated can be hard to juggle every day. Do you take the […]

Spring Has Sprung! Best Vegetables in Season
The days are longer, and now it’s officially spring! Nothing like an abundance of fresh produce to get you in the springtime mood. To celebrate the spring equinox properly, we’ve made a list of fresh and in season vegetables to enjoy! Artichokes No we’re not talking about the dip, although you sure can make […]

Saint Patrick’s Favorite Smoothie Recipes!
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and while many out there are enjoying a nice cold green beer we have another idea. Here our favorite green smoothies so you can enjoy a holiday beverage of your own, while taking in beneficial nutrients rather than empty calories at the same time. Green Power Protein Smoothie […]

Friendly Reminder: Are You Drinking Enough Water?
Hey all! Hope you’re having a great week so far. We’re here to give a little friendly reminder to stay hydrated! If you’ve been following us for awhile, then you know how much we LOVE our water at G-Plans. We wanted to pop in to check to see how you’re hitting that water goal! […]

Who said Meal Prepping is Only for Meat Eaters?!
The world of meal prepping is often dominated by our meat-eating friends. While we’re not here to hate on the carnivores, we just simply want to add some variety to the meal prepping community. In every food space, we should be open to plant-based options. Make room meat-eaters, we’ve got some fresh plant-based meal prep […]

What to do now that the days are longer?
Yes, it’s a bit of a bummer that we lose an hour of sleep, but we gain some extra hours in our day! Let’s make use of the extra hours of sunlight this year! Spend extra time outdoors Now that the sun is setting later and later each day, you are able to get […]

What is gluten?
Gluten-free labels are all ove rthe grocery store. Often you’ll see packaging say “gluten-free” on items that you never even thought contained gluten. There’s lots of advice and reason why people are seeking gluten-free diets, but still many of us are confused about what it actually is. We’re here to help you learn, understand, and […]

Mardi Gras Inspired Recipes
Mardi Gras is here and we are celebrating! We’ve found some tasty meal plan friendly options for you to get excited about Mardi Gras this year! Cajun-Style Chicken This tasty Cajun-style chicken recipe might be the perfect way to celebrate Mardi Gras this year. Wherever you are during this festive holiday, you’ll feel like […]

Breakfast Favorites with a Healthy Twist!
Nothing is worse than feeling like you can’t enjoy your favorite breakfast items while trying to eat healthy. Fortunately, we’re here to squash that thought! We’ve got some breakfast classics, with a few healthy tweaks, to make sticking with a meal plan that much easier! Dairy Free Pancakes This is the perfect recipe if […]

Top Plants to Grow in your Garden this Spring!
Did you happen to read our blog about why you should start a garden a few weeks ago? Are you now inspired to start your own garden this spring?! Well, we hope you are because today we’re talking about some easy-to-grow plants to get your garden started this year! Tomatoes Tomatoes are a natural […]

Hate Tracking Meals? Here’s Why you Should Start
Have you noticed how many tracking apps have popped up in the health and fitness world recently? It’s not a coincidence that tracking apps are popular. Tracking meals, water and exercise are one of the best habits to have when trying to stick to a meal plan or implement new healthy lifestyle changes. Tracking meals […]

The 101 of Eating Plant-Based
Everybody seems to being going plant-based these days. Heck, even Bill Clinton is vegan now. Have you thought about changing up your diet to become plant-based, but often find yourself fighting the urge to eat cheese or other animal products? Don’t stress, we’re here to explain more about what it means to be following a […]

How do we Conquer the Sweet Tooth?
If your cravings are all for sweets, sticking to a meal plan can be pretty difficult. When our brain is yelling healthy, but our eyes are saying cookies, trying to kick that sweet craving is even harder. Of course, indulging in a sweet tooth every now and then is fine and in fact we encourage […]

Time to Beat those Winter Blues
Are you eagerly awaiting the first day of spring? We totally get it, winter has its purpose and we appreciate it, but now we’re ready for a change in season. This post-holiday, pre-springtime part of year might have you feeling glum, so we’ve come up with some ways to get out of that wintertime funk. […]

Fancy dinner out? Use these Tips!
One of the busiest restaurant nights of the year has approached. Valentine’s Day usually includes a decadent night out with a side of chocolate. Trying to stick to a meal plan can be overwhelming when you’re hoping to enjoy yourself, as well. If you’re choosing to stick with your meal plan on your night out, […]

Meal Plan Friendly Valentine’s Day Recipes
Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and while everyone else is indulging extravagant dinners out, you and your special someone can enjoy an extravagantly healthy meal at home! Buy a few candles, spread the rose petals, do the whole nine yards! Check out these meal plan-friendly recipes to make dinner special and healthy tomorrow night! Kale, […]

Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln! Remembering Mr. Lincoln’s Favorite Foods
Today is our 16th president’s birthday, and we thought it might be nice to revisit some of his favorite foods! Good old Abe seems to have had a sweet and savory tooth, but for the most part enjoyed meal plan friendly foods! Fresh Fruit and Nuts Apples were a favorite of Mr. Lincoln, especially […]

Did Someone say ‘Chocolate’!?
Valentine’s Day is coming in hot and you might be throwing some heart eyes at those heart-shaped boxes. Fortunately we have some good news and guidance to help you through the holiday! Chocolate, in certain forms, can offer some tasty antioxidants, so yes chocolate does have some nutritional benefits. Of course, we have some […]

Nature’s Pre-Workouts
Getting up and going to the gym takes a lot of motivation, and it’s especially harder when you’re tired. The fitness market has made lots of pre-workout concoctions to help subside that tired voice in your head telling you to stay on the couch today. But these pre-workouts often come with a wide variety of […]

Let’s Talk About Vitamin D.
As we anxiously wait for the spring flowers to start to bloom and the days to get longer, you might feel your body craving sunlight and warmth. Winter time tends to feel like it’s dragging on this time of year, and the short days and long nights don’t help! How can you feel that sunshine […]

Did Phil say Early Spring? Teas to Keep Warm until Spring!
Punxsutawney Phil has spoken, and hopefully we’ll be seeing the flowers bloom sooner than later. For now, while we wait for winter to come to a close, here are some early-spring inspired teas so you can stop to drink the flowers while you wait to smell them! Chamomile Chamomile is a wonderful plant that […]

Chinese New Year Inspired Snacks
Chinese New Year is right around the corner, start your year off right by including some of these food items in your meals to ring in the New Year! Chinese New Year is celebrated with a wide variety of food items, but we’ve found some meal plan-friendly snacks to incorporate in the coming of the […]

Meal Plan Friendly Super Bowl Snacks
Alright, Super Bowl is naturally a day of celebration, and you might even reserve this day as your cheat meal for the week. But before you decide to use that cheat meal up, remember there’s always the option to make yummy snacks that actually fit into the meal plan! Try not to over indulge on […]

Ways to Workout Besides Going to the Gym
Working out at the gym this time of year can be stressful. Lots of people are sticking strong with their resolutions, which is great! But it doesn’t make the gym any less crowded. Nothing is worse than trying figure out a less busy time to get to the gym, and still fitting your workout into […]

The Month of Oatmeal!
January marks Oatmeal Month! As we bring this month to a close, we’ve decided to highlight all the things we love about oatmeal. Oatmeal is a great breakfast addition, and really is an awesome way to start your day. This grain is a power-packed food, that’s rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is […]

Bubbly Things to Sip On
There’s no doubt about it; losing weight is hard. It’s even harder when you feel like you’re left out from normal social activities, like a Sunday football. Sports and beer go together, well like snacks and Super Bowl, so we understand it can be hard to feel included when you’re trying to stick to a […]

Did you miss National Peanut Butter Day?!
January 24th was National Peanut Butter Day! It’s okay if you missed this grand holiday, because we should be celebrating the best inventions on the planet everyday. Peanut butter is a beloved treat by everyone, even your dog, and if your dog likes it, then you probably should get on board if you’re not already! […]

Beets are the Bomb
There are many people out there who spend their lives hating on beets, but we’re here to tell you, they are great for everyday health! Don’t turn away and make a face, hear us out on why you should try out this vibrant root vegetable. Nutritionally Diverse Beets are great sources of a variety […]

Best Bedtime Habits
Getting a good night’s rest is hard, but it’s necessary not only to feel good but to promote the best physical health possible. Sleeping well, regularly has a huge impact on weight loss and fitness goals. One way to promote a good night’s rest is to start establishing a strong before-bed routine. Like most things […]

Fruits to eat to Brighten your Teeth
Keeping your pearly whites pearly white can be a tricky game. Many of the things in life we enjoy and possibly need every day dim those brights. We’re of course talking about coffee, tea, and maybe the occasional glass of wine. Sorry if this your first time hearing it, but unfortunately all of those things […]

Stellar Recipes to Kickstart your Meal Plan: Dinnertime Edition
We’re half way through the first month of the New Year, it might be more challenging to stick to our meal plan than your originally thought. Don’t give it up just yet! The restaurant down the street may be temping, but try adding a few of these dishes to the dinner table this week and […]

Reasons to Consider Gardening this Year
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener who’s lost the gardening gloves or someone with a bit of a brown thumb that needs some guidance, we suggest to pick up gardening this year! Gardening has lots of benefits, and if you’re a little hesitant about getting started, we’ll tell you why you should start planning now! […]

Stellar Recipes to Kickstart your Meal Plan: Lunchtime Edition
The key to mastering lunchtime temptations from your coworkers is to bring a lunch that is already tempting with your to work. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: healthy doesn’t have to be boring. Check out some of our favorite recipes to use for your meal prep this week. Cajun Chicken […]

G-Plans Nutritionist’s New Year Resolutions
New Year resolutions can be hard to come up with, and if you’ve read our inspiration blog post, you may already have decided on your resolution for the year. If you’re still stuck on what resolution to make for yourself, read about what the nutritionists here at G-Plans are doing this year! The Year […]

Secrets to Avoiding Meal Plan Burnout
There is risk for failure whenever starting something new, but great things are always worth taking that risk! The goal is to avoid getting burnt out before finding success. Here are some of our secrets to avoid burning out on our meal plan! Be Real with Yourself Do you often find yourself setting high […]

Stellar Recipes to Kickstart your Meal Plan: Breakfast Time Edition
Have you just started a meal plan this past week? Is it your New Year resolution to stick with eating healthy all year? Taking on new challenges for yourself can be overwhelming, even if you’re given a meal plan each week. Sometimes it’s not enough to have the foods pick out ahead of time, and […]

New Year, New you? How to Stick to your New Year Resolution
To be honest, the miracle cure to your weight lost problem is you! You are the key to change, and we promise you can and will do it this year! Still not feeling confident in the New Year Resolution you made for yourself? We’ve got some tips to help you stick with your resolution all […]

Best Post-Workout Habits to Create
The health industry is full of expensive products and large claims. It can be hard to figure out which post-out shake is ideal for you. Don’t get overwhelmed after a good workout on what you should take. We’ve got your daily dose of tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your work […]

Start the Year Strong! New Year Resolution Ideas
Ah, the stress of the holidays are over. You might be enjoying a shiny new gift given by a loved one. No more cookies left in the tin, and it’s a new year new you, right? Yep, the stress of the holidays are over, but now the pressures on the find a New Years resolution! […]

Healthier Holiday Sweets Recipes
Are all sweets at the holiday party too tempting this week? Wondering how to stay healthy during the holiday season? We’re here to help, and maybe inspire you with our favorite healthier sweet recipes! Gingerbread Chia Pudding This chia seed pudding recipe is a great way fight the craving of eating the entire gingerbread […]

One Dish Meal Prep Ideas
One of the trickiest things to mastering the task of meal prepping is figuring out exactly how to cook meals for the majority of your week. Naturally, when cooking a multiple meals, we use multiple dishes, which also means more dishes to wash. A huge discouragement to eating healthy, home-cooked meals, is doing all the […]

Motivational Reminders to Put our Health First
Most of us start our New Year resolutions…well, at the start of the New Year. We also tend to tell ourselves, ‘I’ll go to the gym starting Monday’, postponing our goals until the beginning of next week, and allowing ourselves that grace period to become adjusted to the idea that we’re starting a new habit. […]

Gifts to Give Yourself This Season
This time of year is all about giving! We give to our families, to our children, to charities, but do we give to ourselves enough this time of year? Probably not. In order to give the most to others, you must first start with giving to yourself. Of course, by giving to yourself we mean […]

G-Plans Nutritionist’s Meal Prepping Tips
Meal prepping either sounds exciting or exhausting depending on who you’re talking to. One of the hardest parts to tackling the task of meal prepping is understanding the best way to do it. All of our nutritionist’s here at G-Plans offer their tips on how to making meal prepping a bit easier this week. […]

Countdown to your New Year Resolution!
Ah, it’s that time of year again. The holiday lights are shining bright, Jingle Bells is playing on the radio, the fire place is roaring, and maybe if you’re lucky you might see a snowflake fall from the sky. It’s the time of the year where we get to spend a little extra time with […]

Get in the Spirit with Holiday Herbs
The holidays are coming in hot, and it’s time to get up to date on our holiday herbs. Herbs and spices are always great additions to any dish you plan on bringing to your next family dinner. Our list of holiday herbs will help spark some ideas on how to add a healthy flare to […]

What in the world are persimmons?
If you’ve been hanging out with us for awhile, and read Eating with the Seasons: Fall Edition, then you may have noticed a fruit called a persimmon that we mentioned. You may have also then immediately asked ‘what the heck is a persimmon’? According to the Farmer’s Almanac, persimmons are actually berries, also known as […]

Learn How to Master the Holiday’s
Grandma’s homemade holiday ham sure smells great when you walk into her house, but you already overindulged in the Turkey on Thanksgiving. Fearful that you might pop a button? Looking for tips to survive Grandma’s guilt this year and stick to your meal plan during the holidays? We’ve got your back with some fresh survival […]

Top 3 Teas that Aid in Digestion
Whether you’re trying to find a way to wind down after a long day, fall asleep faster, or relieve an upset stomach, opting for a natural remedy can do just the trick! Experiencing feelings of bloat, indigestion, nausea, or disrupted bowel movements can be easily soothed by these tasty and comforting teas: Ginger Tea Ginger […]

Soy-Free Plant-Based Protein Sources
For those who are vegetarian or vegan, soy is usually a common alternative for animal proteins. Whether it’s in the form of tofu, tempeh, or edamame (soybeans), soy is often chosen due to its high protein content. However, for those who are avoiding soy due to an allergy, health condition, or preference, finding a protein […]

Worst Habits you MUST Stop
Have you ever heard the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog a new trick?”- we have, and we are here to challenge it. Of course breaking habits or building new ones can be difficult, especially if you are set in your ways, but it is possible! When it comes to getting on track with […]

Turkey – tasty and nutritious
The time of year is officially here! The time of dinner parties, holiday dinners, and potlucks are sure to take up some room in your calendar. However, this time of year poses as a “threat” or a challenging time for those who are following a meal plan or on a weight loss journey. It’s time […]

How much coffee is too much coffee?
Here at G-Plans, you will not find us talking negatively about coffee. In fact, aside from the usual mid-meal snacks that keep us fueled, focused, and efficient, coffee is definitely a common vice here in the office. Also, we must admit, team bonding is also usually walking to a local coffee shop and enjoying a […]

Turkey – tips to keep you safe and healthy
This time of year is filled with party planning, family and friends, cooking, and all other activities that come with the holidays. Along with all the great festivities, there is usually an influx of concern over salmonella in turkey. Do not worry! Taking these necessary precautions while cooking up the holiday favorite can help keep […]

Pomegranate – what makes it so special?
For the majority of us, when we think of pomegranates, we think of a fruit that is far from convenient to eat; eating this fruit is not as simple as it is eating an apple or banana – it requires more time and patience. So it makes us think, is all the work worth it? […]

Top 3 Herbs You Should Keep Fresh
When it comes to cooking, using herbs and spices can be almost essential. Whether it is increasing the aromatics of the dish or increasing the flavors to make the dish more enjoyable, choosing the right herbs is key. Although it’s cost effective to buy herbs dried, some herbs simply taste better fresh. Cilantro Interestingly enough, […]

G-Plans Nutritionist’s Guilty Pleasures
When it comes to nutritionists, it’s almost taboo when we talk about indulging in a cheat meal. But as much as we like to educate and spread the word of healthy eating and eating more veggies, we also talk a lot about balance. If you are following a meal plan regimen, eating a cheat meal […]

Tips to Getting Back on Track
Life happens. Occurrences that bump you off track are more common than not. Going on a week long vacation, getting sick, or running into a super busy schedule are usually the things that really test your dedication. In hand, it is likely to feel feelings of regret, guilt, defeat, or simply lack feelings of motivation. […]

Tips to Staying Healthy this Halloween
Halloween is here! And this means spooky movies, scary costumes, fun parties, and endless supply of candy. When it comes to holidays, it’s usually challenging to stay on track and up to par with a diet or exercise routine. However, there are always tricks to keeping yourself on track: Stay on track with your […]

Choosing the “Healthiest” Halloween Candy
Let’s face it, steering clear from that Halloween candy can be difficult. More often than not, despite the dedication and motivation to lose weight, we might find ourselves sneaking in on or two pieces of candy while we wait for those trick or treaters. We won’t beat around the bush here – we have come […]

Morning activities that will start your day off great
Hoping that we wake up on the right side of the bed everyday can be a little difficult to rely on. Some nights can be unpredictable; tossing and turning or late night festivities can definitely dictate how well your next day turns out. However, regardless of how your night panned out, there are many things […]

Spooky Meals for this Halloween
With Halloween night falling in the middle of the week, it is likely that halloween festivities will be going on all weekend and well into Halloween night. So it is safe to say that having spooky recipe ideas to take to potlucks or to keep things exciting at home is a great way to keep […]

Homemade Dressings that Won’t Ruin your Diet
When it comes to finding ways to make a meal more enjoyable without ruining your health plan can be tricky – especially when adding in additional condiments like marinades and salad dressings. On average, store bought dressing can add up to 150 calories for every 2 tablespoons. However, making your own salad dressings will allow […]

Top 5 Soothing Bedtime Teas
With the new established goal to get to bed earlier in hopes to catch more Zzz’s, finding ways to expedite the “sleepy” feeling is always a great start. The usual “before bedtime” routine can consist of aimlessly scrolling through social media, skipping through television channels, or tossing and turning, and before you know it, it’s […]

Spice Up Your Life: Cinnamon Edition
When this time of year comes around, cinnamon takes the backseat and pumpkin spice usually takes the lead. But without cinnamon, pumpkin spice wouldn’t exist! We are here to let cinnamon live in its glory again. This incredibly aromatic and flavorful spice can be used in a variety of ways. However, we’re going to switch […]

I love you a-LATTE!
Let’s face it, those Starbucks limited edition drinks can be so tempting! The delicious blend of flavors made from their syrups, sauces, and milks can make the tastiest beverages but can definitely set us off track when trying to make healthy decisions; depending on the size, one latte can rack up over 500 calories and […]

Reasons to Get Outdoors – while you still can.
Time is ticking! With the time to “roll back the clock one hour” slowly approaching, this means that darkness is settling on our days a lot sooner than usual. So will you still can, heading outdoors to enjoy the last hours of sunlight can not only benefit you physically, but it is sure to benefit […]

All you Should Know About Pumpkin Spice
Brace yourself, that time of year is here. The time of the pumpkin spice EVERYTHING has officially taken over grocery shelves and restaurant menus. However, pumpkin spice is something you can enjoy all year around! Not only is it so tasty, but pumpkin spice is a blend of spices that have a variety of health […]

Here is what the G-Plans Nutritionist are snacking on!
Behind the scenes, our G-Plans nutritionists are working away to provide healthy recipes, educational material, balanced meal plans, motivation and support, and many other tasks that make G-Plans go round. So we must think, what fuels them? Are they running on endless cups of coffee or bottomless glasses of green tea? Surprise, the answer is […]

Pumpkin: Tasty, yet Incredibly Nutritious.
The typical pumpkin craze is likely not simmering anytime soon, so brace yourself for the “pumpkin everything” season to continue well into the holidays. But putting aside the “pumpkin spice”, is buying a pumpkin, carving it, cleaning it, and chopping it up, really worth all the while? The answer is YES. Here’s why: Benefit […]

Dr. Goglia’s 8 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Meal Plan
Want to get the most out of your weekly meal plan? Dr. Goglia offers a few easy tips to follow to make sure your experience is the best when starting or maintaining your meal plan. 1. Frequency Dr. Goglia recommends never going longer than 3 ½ hours without eating. The reason why we […]

Which is Best? Frozen or Fresh?
Modern technology allows for many of us to have access to almost every fruit and vegetable at any given time of the year. Canning, dehydrating, freezing, and refrigeration are all techniques that offer the ability to transport items across states and countries. Preserving foods is not a modern idea by any means. Canning dates back […]

Fall’ing into a healthier you!
With these recent weather fluctuations that might have us wondering if Fall is actually REALLY here, some things are nice little reminders that fall is in fact here. Aside from the “pumpkin everything” trend sweeping through our local coffee shops, grocery stores, and restaurant menus, there are certain fall seasonal veggies that are more than […]

New Season, New You!
We often wait until the new year to come around to make lifestyle changes. But why wait? Get a head start to those new year resolutions and take advantage of this new season. During this time of year, the usual “turn the clock back one hour” is slowing approaching and in addition to the excitement […]

Fall Seasonal Fruits and Veggies to Add to Any Salad
When it comes to starting a diet or a meal plan, salads have a bad rap. They are often thought to be boring or even bland. But finding a balance of flavors and textures can keep any salad exciting and delicious. Luckily with this autumn season, putting seasonal fruit and veggies together makes for a delicious […]

Fall Flavored Teas
What’s the best way to enjoy the brisk weather? With a nice warm cup of tea, of course! Tea is a great option to start your day calmly, give you that mid afternoon, guilt-free pick-me-up, or help you wind down at night. Adding tea into your daily-ritual is a great way to boost your daily […]

Top Vitamins for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails
There are a ton of things you can add into your diet to help your hair grow faster, or topical to put on your face to make those fine line soften. But did you know that the majority of the supplements and anti aging creams usually have extracts and or vitamin variants added in to […]

What to do with all the pumpkins?!
There are a ton of things you can do with you extra pumpkins after you have done all the crafting and decorating you possibly could think of. Pumpkins are valuable sources of nutrients like beta carotene which is great for the eyes, better for you to see all those sweet Halloween treats with. Pumpkins are […]

Quick Ways to De-Stress During a Busy Week
Most of us live with too much stress, and sometimes we don’t realize it until we have a melt down in the middle of a work day, after our pen runs out of ink. Stress seems to be the unwanted visitor at everyone’s door step nowadays. So how do we keep stress at bay? […]

Debunking Nutrition Myths
Truly, there could be an endless list of nutrition myths, but today we’re working on debunking a few of them. You’re main source for nutrition advice might be from superstitious Aunt Sally, or from the random magazine you found while waiting in line at the store. Regardless of where you normally get your information from, […]

Fresh Ways to Have Pumpkin Spice
We love pumpkin spice, over her at G-plans, but we also know that having a pumpkin spice latte a day probably doesn’t keep the doctor away. Pretty much anything you can think of, someone has made a pumpkin spice version. Though sugary pumpkin-spice flavored treats and drinks aren’t the best for us, we’ve found a […]

Organic Vs. Non-Organic Food
We often get questioned on whether organic foods are healthier than non-organic, also known as conventional. People doubt if they should be spending the extra dollar on one piece of fruit versus another. These doubts and questions are fair because no one really seems to have a straight answer. We’re here to help clear the […]

Let’s Talk Supplements
It seems like nowadays you can find a supplement for almost anything. At times, the variety can be overwhelming, and often leaving us questioning whether or not they actually work. Fortunately we’re here to help you navigate the supplement sections of the grocery store! Do I need a supplement? First step in understanding supplements is […]

Eating with the Seasons: Fall Edition
It’s that time of year again! Leaves are changing, pumpkin spice is running rampant through the town, and the weather starts to cool down. The summer is coming to an end, and the season transitions into fall. As the seasons change, we swap out clothes to accommodate the chilly weather. Different foods are being harvested […]

Reduce Unwanted Inflammation with These Tips!
Inflammation is a naturally occurring mechanism in our bodies. It has its purpose, however sometimes we just wish it wasn’t there. There are two types: acute and chronic inflammation. Acute, which last for a short period of time, is usually caused from sudden injury, like a bee sting. Chronic, which is continuous or has a […]

Foods Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Nowadays it’s easy to find foods marked with being ‘full of Omega 3’s!’, or ‘good for the heart!’. Incase you haven’t noticed, they have been sweeping the nation by proving to be beneficial to heart and brain functions. Omega 3 Fatty acids play an important role in activities and structures in our cells, have been […]

Our Top 4 Favorite Nut and Seed Butters!
No longer are the days of just plain old peanut butters. Walking into the grocery store just over a decade ago, we wouldn’t have been faced with the problem of too many options. In a world of already so many indecisions, are we really asking, ‘Which butter do I choose?’. Yes, yes we are. Now […]

Beat the Heat: Water Infusion Recipes
With Labor Day Weekend bringing the summer to an end, I think we all are ready to see some pumpkin spice come back on menus and watch the leaves turn. However, Mother Earth is still cranking the heat and partying like summer’s end isn’t in sight. So the question is how do we beat […]

PRO-Tips for buying PRObiotics
Kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut yogurt; these are just some of the trendy products on the market promoting gut health. They advertise providing interesting and natural sources of probiotics, but what are probiotics? Not to be confused with prebiotics, probiotics are living microorganisms that have the ability to work with our bodies to promote our […]

Best Tip to Stay Motivated
This might be a groundbreaking tip that can be the key to staying motivated in all aspects of your life. Whether it’s powering through a workout, excelling in your career, and specifically with trying reaching your weight loss goal, one thing can definitely give you a strong stride forward. That tip is to stay positive! […]

Dr. Goglia’s 3 Major Signs You’re Eating the Wrong Foods
Let’s face it, food is everywhere and there are a lot of different options to choose from. But when taking into account the food that makes us feel great and food that makes us feel not so great, the options become a bit narrower. Dr. Goglia discusses 3 major signs you’re eating the wrong foods: […]

Top 3 Signs of Inflammation
Inflammation is slowly beginning to make a notorious name for itself in response to the negative effects it can have on our bodies. However, many of us do not exactly know what inflammation is and how it can sabotage a weight loss journey. To start, inflammation in general is not a bad response – in […]

Getting Seedy
Usually when we think of adding that “crunch factor” into a meal, we usually opt for nuts such as almonds, cashews, or pistachios. However, seeds are a great way option if you’re trying to switch up your usual meal or if you struggle with a tree nut allergy. These options are not only versatile in […]

Triggers That Can Bump You Off Track
Let’s face it, getting off track from a meal plan or a health kick can be much easier than getting on. However, trying to identify those triggers that bring our motivation to a screeching halt can help reduce these instances. Whether it was because an unexpected event happened or simply because tempting food options got […]

Plant-Based Protein Sources
When it comes to weight loss, protein is key. It helps boost your metabolism, repair and rebuild muscles, and it is a huge contributor to the feeling of satiety after a meal. Making sure you’re consuming enough protein, aside from your chicken, salmon, or lean meat (if your diet preference allows it), mixing in plant-based […]

Why You Should Keep a Food Log
Food logs and food trackers are making the ultimate rise in popularity due to necessity and the long list of benefits. They can greatly impact the ability to stay on track with a meal plan and can make any weight loss goal a little more achievable. With the ability of keeping it “old school” with […]

Summertime Dairy-Free Frozen Treats
With the summer heat creeping in, finding a refreshing (and delicious) snack can be almost necessary to stay cool. But with keeping your summer bod in mind, how can that be possible? Luckily, we have a few tasty recommendations to stay cool and lean during this season. Not only will these guiltless treats be delicious, […]

Staying Festive and Healthy this Fourth of July
The Fourth of July is right around the corner and this means BBQs, bonfires, and beach festivities. This could also mean bending your diet…just slightly. Luckily, staying health conscious can be quiet simple when learning how to prepare your own meals and adjusting certain “must have” ingredients. Check out these great ideas to keep it […]

Summer is Here! And So Are These Fruits and Veggies
As the seasons come and go, so do certain fruits and vegetables. They may be available year round, but some fruits and veggies taste the best at the prime of their harvest. With a warm creep into the summer season, these foods are likely to be popular in your local farmers market, as well as […]

What Are Prebiotics? And Why Are They Good For You?
To make things slightly less confusing, it is important to briefly explain the difference between prebiotics vs probiotics. Probiotics are live “helpful” bacteria and yeasts that are often found in yogurt, fermented teas (kombucha), kimchi, or sauerkraut, that are beneficial to your gut. However, prebiotics are non-digestible fiber compounds that increase the production of the […]

Enjoying Your Cheat Meal to the Last Bite
Committing to a meal plan can take a lot of dedication and a lot of work. It also involves resisting temptation! When you wrap up a full week of staying committed and on track, you absolutely deserve to treat yourself. Being able to add in a cheat meal not only makes your life more enjoyable, […]

Easy Homemade Snacks For the Next Beach Day
Baked Chickpea Snacks This crunchy snack can be a “go to” snack for anyone, especially when trying to keep the waistline trim all summer. Chickpeas are great for an all day beach day because they contain slow digesting carbohydrates that are ideal for maintaining your energy. In addition, they increase your satiety, which is perfect […]

What Happens When You Skip Meals
As much as we would all like to deny, most of us are guilty of skipping a few meals or snacks here and there. Whether it’s because we suddenly got busy, forgot to prepare, or simply weren’t hungry, skipping mealtime can be common. However, making this a habit can lead to dangerous outcomes with weight […]

No Time to Cook? Keep These Foods Handy
It is fair to say that the majority of us have been stuck with finding something to eat when there is simply not enough time to cook. Whether it was because you didn’t meal prep or because a work schedule became busier than usual, we have all been there. However, being able to keep certain […]

Having Trouble Hitting Your Water Goal? Try These Helpful Tips
It may be fair to say that the majority of us know the importance of water and the essential role it plays in weight loss, digestion, skin integrity, and overall health. With this in mind, some of us can still struggle with finding ways to keep us up to par with reaching a water goal […]

Breaking Up With Dairy
If you’re vegan or lactose intolerant, by this point, you’re probably a seasoned pro at eliminating dairy from your diet. However, if your plan is to eliminate dairy as a weight-loss method, to clear your skin, or even just simply eat cleaner, the journey to a milk-free life may seem like a bumpy road. It’s […]

Dairy-Free Calcium Rich Foods
The importance of calcium has gained a lot of attention due to the essential role it plays in your body. Calcium not only helps build bones and teeth, but also is responsible for releasing hormones and is an essential aspect in our nervous system. However, a less talked about role calcium plays in our body […]

Foods That Will Make You and Your Gut Happy
Digestive discomfort can be a nuance (to put it lightly) and it can affect our daily flow of life. Finding quick relief with over the counter medicines can definitely put a band-aid on such issues. However, being able to consume foods that will improve and maintain gut health is a key way to reduce these […]

Hitting the Gym Too Hard? Eat These Top 4 Foods to Beat Soreness.
One of the worst (or most satisfying) feelings after a long week of exercise, is the feeling of muscle soreness. Some people feel like soreness after a workout is a sense of accomplishment. Others can find it to be uncomfortable. For whatever reason, being able to recover from a workout is essential. Adding these foods […]

Foods to Avoid Before Working Out
What you eat before any physical activity can either make it or break it – however, eating is essential to be able to power through a workout. Depending on your body and your intolerances, there are certain foods that should generally be avoided before a workout. Whether they can cause abdominal/stomach discomfort, bloating, or slump […]

All You Need to Know About Cardio
Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise, which is any exercise that causes your heart rate to rise. Whether it’s running a mile, skipping the elevator and taking the stairs, using the elliptical, or even taking a brisk walk with the dog, there are levels of cardio. Dr. Goglia refers to these levels of cardio as […]

Steps to Starting a Workout Routine
The thought of starting up a workout routine can be terrifying or intimidating – reasons ranging from unfamiliarity to your local gym, risk of injury, afraid of looking lost, or even simply because you don’t like change in your routine. Feeling those things can be normal and generally very common. However, physical activity is a […]

Getting Healthy Means Going Nuts
We are often told that nuts are a great source of “healthy fats” and are usually included in meal plan as part of a snack. However, because nuts are primarily made of fat, they are a very calorie dense food but despite being a calorie dense food, nuts are often recommended for weight loss and […]

Recipes That’ll Keep You on Track During Memorial Day Weekend
Holidays in general are usually a difficult time to stay on track with your diet or keep clear from temptation. Giving yourself a pep talk beforehand can only go so far when your guests starting bringing in tempting dishes or before you start preparing the meals for your guests. However, who said that holidays like […]

Beat Stress with Food!
Stress is inevitable! Whether we experience stress for a short period because of a deadline for work or school, or we experience a long duration of chronic stress, stress can send our body through the ringer. Ideally, it’ll be great to omit those triggers from our lives but that may not be a tangible solution. […]

Beware of Liquid Calories!
When planning your meals for the week, making sure portions are appropriate and snacks are ready to go, it’s very easy to forget about beverages. Enjoying the egg white and spinach scramble with oatmeal on the side can really take a turn for the worst with the addition of a cup of coffee with cream […]

Choosing the Best Protein for Weight Loss
When trying to lose weight, it is essential that you’re consuming enough protein. Protein is key to help repair and build muscle tissues, as well as provide satiety between meals. It is recommended to include a protein source in every meal to complete a balanced and wholesome meal. Sometimes we need supplementary sources of protein […]

Best Carbohydrates to Start your Day
There is no other way to get yourself off to a good start (other than waking up on the good side of the bed) than to eat the best carbohydrates for your body. Carbohydrates in the morning are the fuel to your energy and can help maintain your blood sugar throughout the day which will […]

Eating Your Way to Healthier Skin
Our skin can be a triggering factor for insecurities and can often be indicative of your current health status. Whether you take care of your skin to prevent acne breakouts or premature signs of aging, adopting these healthy habits can be highly beneficial and noticeable! Fruits and Veggies Making sure you’re including a variety of […]

Top Reasons to Avoid Sugar
Sugar is found both naturally and artificially in foods. It is often added during processing as a preservative as well as a sweetener. Sugar, of course, is found naturally in fruits and vegetables and completely avoiding sugar may be nearly impossible. However, avoiding added sugar can be a key way to boost your health. Here […]

Feeling under the weather? Try these immunity-boosting foods!
Summer is right around the corner and catching a cold could be the last thing you want to happen. Plans to enjoy outside activities like hiking, surfing, running, or simply taking a stroll by the beach can really come to a halt if you’re not taking care of yourself. Luckily, being able to get your […]

Refueling After a Workout
Working out comes in different forms, durations, and intensities. However, in many cases, overestimating how many calories burned during an exercise can be a main reason to why your workout routine is not shedding the pounds you expected. Although it is essential to refuel your body after a workout, it is key to be able […]

Bucket List For Any Healthy Lifestyle
When we think of changing our lifestyle, it’s common to believe that you’ve reached an end point to that change as soon as your diet habits have changed and when you’ve increased your physical activity. This could make us feel stagnant in our health; what more could you possibly do to increase the quality of […]

Fat Burning Vegetables to Add Into Your Diet
Summer is right around the corner and that means putting meal plans and food choices into overdrive. As difficult as that may sound, it can be as simple as including these five vegetables into your daily meals. Dr. Goglia explains the beneficial fat burning properties of these vegetables that are ideal for boosting your weight […]

Tips to Improve Your Sleep
Sleep can be the key factor that will either help boost your weight loss or make it more difficult to reach your goal. Sleeping 7-9 hours a night is recommended to reach the full beneficial aspects of sleep. Sleep not only improves your concentration and memory, but it helps curb inflammation, regulate hormones (especially those […]

Vegetarian Friendly Foods Rich in Iron
A healthy and balanced diet doesn’t stop at protein, carbohydrates, and fats; a healthy and balanced diet is composed of a variety of vitamins and minerals that all serve a purpose in maintaining your health. One of those essential minerals is iron. Iron’s main function is carrying oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, someone could […]

Why You’re Not Hungry in the Morning
We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But why? Breakfast is the ideal way to help jumpstart your metabolism first thing in the morning. Food is your body’s fuel, and if you’re able to fuel your body first thing in the morning, you give your metabolism time to heat […]

Why You Should Start Eating Papaya
Like many other fruits, papaya is loaded with a variety of vitamins and nutrients that can have a great impact on your health. But what makes papaya a superfood? In addition to being tasty and having a refreshing flavor, papayas contain a dense concentration of nutrients that not only aid in digestion but can also […]

Oatmeal Without the Oats
When we think of oatmeal, we usually have a one basic “go-to” main ingredient: oats. Some of us have seen different variation of oats such as rolled oats, quick oats, steel cut oats, Scottish oats, or even oat groats. But there are a variety of grains that can be eaten just like regular oats or […]

Spring Seasonal Fruit & Veggie Essentials
Spring is here! And for most, this means picnics at the park, BBQs by the lake, and flowers galore. To our luck, this also means spring seasonal fruits and veggies that are generally the most tasty at this time of year. The next time you find yourself in the produce aisle, be sure to check […]

How to Flavor Up Your Salmon Dinner
When it comes to protein selections, Dr. Goglia, who is known to be one of the most prestigious nutritionist in the country, ranked salmon as the BEST protein to eat at dinner time. He explained that eating 6-8 ounces of a fatty fish like salmon for dinner will help boost your metabolism, reduce inflammation, […]

Dr. Goglia’s Cooking and Food Flavor Tips
Cooking is an important and unavoidable part of jump starting a healthy lifestyle or starting a meal plan. But sometimes we can find ourselves ignoring the small things that can make our journey a bit smoother. Dr. Goglia recommends a few tips to help make your food not only more enjoyable, but healthier. Keep these […]

Reasons to Laugh More
Throughout school as children, we would usually get in trouble for laughing in class (which probably made our laughing worse). But what would you say if someone told you to laugh more? In fact, it is highly recommended to laugh every chance you get. Not only does laughing come with a significant amount of health […]

Dr. Goglia Approved Vanilla Protein Smoothies
When we think of vanilla, we think bland or boring – we even use the saying “you’re so vanilla!” when we’re trying to tell someone that they’re unexciting. But who said vanilla has to be boring? In fact, vanilla can be a creamy canvas for your favorite ingredients, or it can be enjoyed by itself. […]

Improve Gut Health with these Chia Pudding Recipes
Chia seeds are full of beneficial properties that are not only delicious, but can be added to your diet to significantly improve your gut health. Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, iron, and calcium which can help facilitate weight loss and lower your cholesterol. Adding chia seeds to your protein shake, […]

Staying Prepared to Stay Healthy
We all understand that life happens. Sometimes we have unexpected circumstances that have us rushing out of the house, get appointed unplanned business trips, or sometimes we just have very busy days that get out from under our hands. Here are a few tools to help you stay healthy when in a pinch for time. […]

Dr. Goglia’s Tips When Eating Out
Eating out can set panic to those who are currently on a managed plan or when trying to lead a healthier lifestyle – but these tips from Dr. Goglia can help ease that stress and regain control of your meal, even if you’re not the one preparing it. Special Request on Preparation Ask your waiter […]

Dr. Goglia’s Tips to Stay on Track
Staying on track with a meal plan can be a difficult and challenging task; in fact, it could seem like it is nearly impossible when you’re constantly busy or if you’ve just simply never had any structure in your eating habits whatsoever. Adopting these simple habits suggested by Dr. Goglia can go a long way […]

Helpful Tips to Shop Smart
Not having a clear plan before making a trip to the store can leave us either buying things we don’t need, buying too little or too much, or forgetting the things we actually did need. Therefore, we often feel frustrated, stressed out, or guilty after during this time. Here are helpful tips to shop smart […]

Tracking Your Portions
The saying “too much of a good thing” doesn’t always make sense to us – and we often can’t apply it to our life. But a great example of this can be applied to how we eat, particularly, how much we eat. Yes, we can bake salmon, steam our veggies, and eat our fruit, but […]

How to Start Meal Prepping
Let’s face it, meal prepping can be intimidating – it sounds so…serious. The idea of being in the kitchen for hours can be dreadful and exhausting. Although, it may come to a surprise when you realize that meal prepping for your week can actually help free up some time in your day and it will […]

Dr. Goglia’s Tips to Jumpstart a Healthy Lifestyle
Getting healthy can be a difficult task, and sometimes we don’t even know where to start. It is important to gain control of your life around you and setting a plan. Dr. Goglia has these helpful tips to help you jump start a healthy lifestyle. Schedule Time We can all understand that sometimes we get […]

Bunny Approved Recipes for Easter Weekend
Easter weekend is right around the corner and this may mean planning brunches, BBQs, dinners, or gathering for a potluck – and usually, this might be a temptation trap. Luckily, there are healthy, yet delicious festive carrot recipes you can make and surprise your guest. Tri-Colored Carrot Chips This unbelievably delicious snack can be served […]

Adding Variety to Your Smoothies
Drinking or eating the same thing every day can get boring. Getting bored with the foods we’re eating can cause us to stray away from our health plan to seek something a little bit more tasty or exciting. These smoothy options can help add a little bit of a variety to your diet and can […]

5 Tips to Boost Weight Loss
Weight loss isn’t easy – in fact, it can be a difficult journey that can lead us to frustration and failure if we are not taking the right approach. Diet, the most important, can play the biggest role in your journey, but so can other easy-to-change factors that you can change to help boost your […]

What to Eat Before Working Out
When it comes to working out, we need all of the energy we can get to run that extra mile or make it through that lifting session. Whether it is waking up before the sun rises or making it in after a long day of work, we all run into the same problem…what do I […]

Keeping it Green for St. Patrick’s Day
Kickstart your St. Patrick’s Day with any of these healthy, delicious, and GREEN recipes. Not only will you look festive making these recipes, but you will feel healthy and ready to take on your day. Green Protein Shake Enjoy this protein packed green smoothie as a quick to-go breakfast, a post workout snack, or […]

5 Spices to Include in Your Diet
Herbs and spices are often overlooked when preparing our meals ; we usually aim for the salt and pepper and ignore the rest of the spices in the spice rack – big mistake! Here’s five spices you need to start using that are beneficial for their anti-inflammatory properties, boosting metabolism, and boosting immunity. Cayenne Pepper […]

Increase Your Fiber With These 5 Easy Snacks
Fiber can be one of those “must-haves” in our diet that we can often forget about and by neglecting it, we may be doing our body a great disservice. Fiber can be a great dietary tool to help increase satiety, control appetite, reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy digestion; in hand, fiber can work great […]

Sprucing Up Your Oatmeal
When we think of oatmeal, we often think of a mushy, boring, bland bowl of goop, right? Good news, oatmeal doesn’t have to be boring! Think of oatmeal like a blank canvas that allows you to create an interpretation of your favorite dessert or a blend of your favorite savory ingredients. Let’s begin with […]

Surprisingly Healthy Desserts for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to enjoy some chocolate. While we usually avoid sweets when trying to lose weight, chocolate can be part of a healthy diet! Here are 5 chocolate recipes that satisfy the craving and are packed with nutrition. Chocolate Avocado Pudding It can’t get […]

5 Healthy Grain Recipes
Whole grains are great to include in your weight loss program. They are high in fiber, minerals, and provide the carbohydrates you need for energy. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine of eating the same grains every day. Try some of these recipes to make your meal plan more exciting and nutritious! […]

How to Prevent the Plateau
It’s what everyone dreads in the early stages of a diet. The weight loss stalls and you feel like giving up. It can be frustrating when you’re making great progress and then suddenly hit a brick wall with your weight loss. Here are some tips for preventing, or breaking through the plateau. […]

7 Beet Recipes to Increase Your Energy
Beets are known as a superfood for their amazing antioxidant and detoxing benefits. They protect our cells from damage and also increase our energy by improving blood flow and decreasing blood pressure. This effect comes from the nitric oxide that we absorb from the beets. The best way to eat beets is both raw […]

Why a Low Calorie Diet Doesn’t Work
With all the new fad diets out there, it can be hard to figure out which diet is best for you. High carb, low carb, high protein, low fat. You can find a diet based on anything nowadays. What they all seem to have in common is calorie restriction. Many diet ‘gurus’ believe that a […]

13 Healthy Snacks to Pack for a Road Trip
It happens to all of us… you’re following your meal plan so well and start seeing great results, but then something comes up. A long road trip can threaten to throw you off your game. Don’t let a fun trip get in the way of you and your goals. Pack a few of these in […]

Why You’re Not Losing Weight
You’re Not Sleeping Enough Sleeping is how we recharge and repair. It’s important for everyone to get 7-9 hours a night, but even more important when you’re trying to lose weight. There are a few reasons why lack of sleep will make the weight loss journey a struggle. First, it affects your brain. When […]

7 Recipes That Will Have You Craving Vegetables
Cheesy Roasted Broccoli (without the cheese) A nutritious superstar, but let’s admit it, broccoli tastes a little better with cheese. To avoid the digestive and inflammatory consequences of dairy, this recipe creates a cheesy flavor without using any cheese. The cheesy flavor comes from nutritional yeast, which is also a nutritional powerhouse loaded with protein […]

3 Reasons to Shop at The Farmers Market
Fruits and vegetables are amazing for you no matter where you buy them. Here are 3 reasons why they are even better for you when you pick them up at your local farmers market. Your Health Once a fruit or vegetable is picked, it immediately starts losing some of its nutrients. That is why […]

5 Signs You Need to Switch up Your Diet
You’re Tired It’s one thing if you didn’t get enough sleep last night, but if you’re feeling tired all of the time, it could be your diet. There are many causes of fatigue, but food can play a huge role. Not getting enough water or carbohydrates are two common causes of feeling tired on a […]

Lose Weight and Support Gut Health with These 5 Foods
It’s important to support your gut while you lose weight. Research has found that the bacteria in your gut may play a large role in how much you eat, what you crave, and how much you weigh. One of the best ways to support your gut is to eat prebiotic and probiotic foods. Prebiotics […]

Eat More, Lose Weight?
While reaching your ideal body weight enhances your health, how you lose the weight is also important. It is a common myth that simply lowering your daily calorie intake is the best way to lose weight. Here are 3 reasons why just focusing on calories is not the best idea for long-term health. Inflammation […]

The Best Fruit for Weight Loss
One of the biggest myths about weight loss is that sugar in fruit makes you gain weight. While eating too much sugar is not recommended, fruit is a healthy source of carbohydrates that also supports your weight loss journey with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. One of the best fruits to add to your weight […]

Dr. Goglia’s Favorite Greens to Add to Your Diet
When you are trying to lose weight, adding greens to your diet is a must. Not only do they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, but they also have a ton of fiber which can help you feel fuller longer. There are so many ways that you can eat and cook greens, so it’s […]

Herbs for Anxiety
Winter times can bring beautiful snowy nights and lots of fuzzy socks, which we all love. But winter also means shorter, colder days, and less time to get outside and get in touch with nature. Some of us even experience more anxiety this time of the year due to the seasons changing, and sometime with […]

Wake Up and Jumpstart Your Metabolism with Dr. Goglia’s Favorite Breakfasts.
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? You may have heard both sides of the story, but when it comes to firing up your metabolism, you shouldn’t skip it. It’s interesting. We ask many of our patients, “Hey, what happened to breakfast?” Their response? “I wasn’t hungry.” Remember, your food program isn’t built […]

Traveling this Season? Healthy Airport Snacks To Keep You Energized
It’s that time of year again where airports are filling up with holiday travelers. Between going through security, layovers, baggage claims, and cancelled flights, worrying about your diet is the least of your worries. However, you will be surprised that finding healthy food in airports is not as difficult as you may have thought. Whether […]

What’s For Dinner Tonight? Low Carb Recipes that Won’t Disappoint
If you are like 74% of the population, you might have a fat and protein metabolism, meaning your body doesn’t utilize carbohydrates as well as fat and protein. Related: Find out your metabolic type. Take Dr. Goglia’s free quiz! Now, that doesn’t mean you should toss out your beloved carbs. Instead, Dr. Goglia suggests swapping […]

Say goodbye to Starbucks! Healthier versions of your favorite holiday drinks.
The holiday season is fast approaching and lines at popular coffee shops (ahem, Starbucks) are out the door for everyone’s festive favorites. We don’t disagree… nothing tastes better than a nice hot cocoa on a chilly night, especially with friends and family. The problem is that many of those hot drinks are loaded with unnecessary […]

Fall in Love with November’s Seasonal Superfoods
It’s that time of year again, when leaves begin to take on orange and red hues and fall from the trees that were once in full bloom. Depending on where you live, you might be switching out of your flip flops for cozy sweaters and fuzzy hats. And with the changing of the season, comes […]

Why the Scale Isn’t the Best Measure of Success
You’ve been working hard all week. You’ve been eating your correct portions of foods, drinking enough water, and even fitting in a workout or two. You feel more energized, no afternoon slumps, but when you step on the scale, the number hasn’t budged! Frustrated, you think you have failed, done something wrong or the plan […]

Dr. Goglia’s Approved Snacks For When That Sweet Tooth Kicks In
We all get cravings, and it seems like sugar is the most common one. Before you start searching the fridge and cabinets for something sweet, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see if your craving still exists. If your still looking for something sweet, try one of Dr. Goglia’s metabolic […]

Missed a Workout? Eat These Five Fat Burning Foods.
You had good intentions to get your workout in, but sometimes you just can’t make it to the gym or fit in that home workout. “Remember, food first. Exercise, second,” advises Dr. Goglia. Are there certain foods that will magically help you lose weight? No! You should stick to your normal healthy eating plan, […]

Should You Be Eating Gluten Free If You Have An Autoimmune Thyroid Disease?
If you have an autoimmune thyroid disease, such as Hashimoto’s or Graves, you may have heard that you should eat a gluten free diet. Or, you may have never heard that going gluten free could be helpful for you. Either way, today we will discuss the reasoning behind eating a gluten free diet if you […]