How to Avoid the Monday Morning Resets



Many times we begin a meal plan and get very excited thinking about what’s to come. We begin our first week doing very well but then the weekend comes and that’s when the challenge arises. We know what to do all week to stay on track, but then we’re stuck at the BBQ faced with a lot of food options in front of us.


We may decide that since we were good all week we can indulge this time and enjoy the foods we love. However, one small thing turns into another, and then another. Before we even realize we have overeaten and feel sick. We begin to think about how we blew our diet and failed. It feels as though all the hard work we put into this week was for nothing and we have to start over. 



Once Monday hits, we’re ready to get back on track.



What if we could avoid this scenario altogether? What if we were able to eat in a sustainable way, adding in the foods we love to indulge on-in moderation. What if every Monday didn’t feel like it was time to start over? 


Here are three tips to avoid getting in the cycle of the Monday morning resets!


Begin with Something You Can Stick to 


Every time you begin a plan, take the time to make sure it is going to work for you. Be mindful of what the plan entails and whether or not it is welcoming a sustainable approach to your eating habits. Ask yourself if you can see yourself sticking to it forever and if it’s do-able in every scenario of your life and schedule. If the answer to that is “no,” you may want to rethink what you are about to begin. 



Plan and Prepare for Social Events 


Regardless of what you’re following during the week, a key to your success is viewing the weekends the same way. Although there are many social gatherings and events on the weekends, you can always go into these with a plan. Having an idea of what food will be at the event or what type of restaurant you’re going to will allow you to pick out a few options prior to your arrival. Social events don’t have to throw you off track with eating. These events are a time to enjoy family and friends and indulge in your favorite foods, considering everything in moderation! 



Set Small, Realistic Goals 


It’s possible that you’re setting yourself up for the Monday reset by not setting small and realistic goals. When you begin your journey, you want to tackle the thing that you feel will be the easiest change for you to make. If you set very high expectations for yourself and try to change multiple things at once, anxiety may set in! You want to begin by setting a small goal for yourself that you can continue to do to turn into a habit. This way, you won’t feel like you can’t keep up on your journey and you will be more focused on reaching the specific goals you set.



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