5 Tips For Transitioning Into The Colder Months

As we are heading into colder months in the northern hemisphere, it can be a hard transition on our bodies. Today we will discuss some ways in which you can support your body during this time to ensure optimal wellness. Keep reading to hear our top five tips for transitioning into the colder months.

1. Consume More Cooked Food 

You may have noticed that in the winter months, your body craves more cooked food, such as hearty soups and stews. Eating too much raw food can make it harder to stay warm, so you will probably find that cooked food feels more nourishing to you in the colder months. This doesn’t mean you can’t have raw salads or smoothies, but you may want to be mindful about how too much cold, raw food makes you feel during this time of the year. Try to tune in to what your body is asking for to feel nourished and warm at this time. 

2. Eat Local, Seasonal Food When Possible   

Before modern technology, humans ate produce that was fresh and available in their area. Typical fall crops include root veggies, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and beets. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are also some crops that are harvested in the fall. Seasonal produce tends to be rich in nutrients that will support our bodies at that time of year. Plus, the fresher it is, the more nutritious it will be, as the nutrient content starts to diminish after produce is picked. It’s also always great to support local farmers whenever possible! 

3. Use Warming Spices In Your Meals

As the temperature drops, adding more warming spices to your food, or spices that increase heat in your body, will help to keep you warm and feel nourished. Some examples of warming spices include ginger, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, coriander, and cardamom.

These spices can help increase your internal body temperature and increase circulation. So if you are especially susceptible to getting cold hands and feet, increasing blood circulation to your extremities can make a big difference in how warm you feel as the temperature starts dropping. 

4. Adjust Your Sleep Schedule 

As the seasons change, you may find that you need to adjust your sleep schedule a bit to feel your best. Our bodies have a circadian rhythm, controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus of the brain. This is also a seasonal clock that measures the length of daylight, and it naturally adapts to seasonal changes in the light-dark cycle. So if you feel tired earlier in the evening than in the summer months, there is a reason why. Try to honor your body when it wants rest because sleep is very important for our bodies. 

5. Support Your Immune System

The winter months are when we may need to give our immune systems an extra boost. This will be of extra importance if you are going to be traveling, or drinking more than usual around the holidays, as these things can make you more susceptible to getting sick and weakening your immune system. You can check out this blog post to learn about culinary herbs that have benefits to our immune systems. Using these herbs in your cooking is a great way to give your body some extra immune support. You may also benefit from taking an immune supportive supplement such as our Immune Boost formula, which contains many ingredients that are immune supportive, such as zinc and vitamin C.

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