Do Not Forget About Yourself this Upcoming Back-2-School Season!



It’s Back-2-School season and, for a lot of us, that means it is a very hectic and busy time of the year. You have to make sure your shopping is all done, have a plan in place for your child’s meals and snacks, ensure that their after school activities and sports are lined up, and take care of another extremely important someone… YOURSELF! 



Sometimes when we get into very hectic times in our lives, we forget to take care of ourselves and put ourselves second, or third, in almost all aspects. You want your child to be as healthy and energetic as possible when they begin a new school year, so why don’t you use that as a motivator to ensure you’re doing the same for yourself! 


Your child needs a healthy breakfast, but so do you! Eating breakfast as a family is a great way to spend quality time with your children while also teaching them the importance of getting in a filling breakfast. Make sure that in planning all your Back-2-School routines, breakfast for everyone in the family is at the top of the list. Beginning the school year off by having breakfast together can ensure it will soon become a habit that no one will want to miss! 



Most likely you are going to pack, or at least plan, what your child is going to have for lunch, this could include providing them with the funds to buy their healthy lunch at school. Use this planning time to pack yours as well! If you’re already making a lunch for them, just double the food you’re making so you know you’re set for the next day as well. In addition, don’t forget to pack the snacks! Snacks are just as important for you as they are for kids! Ensuring you have snacks to keep your energy level stable throughout the day to get everything done is a must.



Although you may feel like you’re constantly driving your child to another activity or practice, don’t just be the driver. Begin to participate as well! If you are dropping your child off at a practice, perhaps there is a big field or parking lot you can spend time walking around while you wait. You may find that the length of practice ends up being the perfect amount of time for you to hit the gym and get back to pick them up. Instead of feeling like you’re too busy to exercise during the Back-2-School season, begin to get creative with the small amount of free time that you do have.



Remember that although your child is your priority, you need to take care of yourself and your health as well in order to take care of them! Begin to think of the things you can do together to better the health and nutrition of both you and your child.


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