Don’t Go at It Alone! Sharing Your Goals Could Help You Lose Weight Faster

Have you started your weight loss journey and hit a point where you felt like you just could not do it on your own? You tell yourself that you will stick with your meal plan, exercise multiple times per week, and get right back on track after your indulgent meal- but that doesn’t always happen. The truth is, it can be very challenging to hold ourselves accountable on our journeys. That is why a big key to reaching your weight loss goals is to lean into others and use the power of accountability. 

Although you may be a little nervous to share your journey with others at first,  there are many ways you can be held accountable and what matters most is finding what works best for you. Having the proper accountability and support can help you push yourself  towards your goals and get insight and feedback from someone who has walked in your shoes before. If you’re looking for accountability, here are some fantastic ways to go about it. 

Workout Group or Class

Perhaps you have planned to go workout early in the morning or late in the afternoon on multiple occasions. Once the time comes for that workout, you want to continue to hit the snooze or you’re just too tired to make it after work. Joining a local workout group or signing up for an exercise class can help you stay accountable to get that workout in. When we commit to others in an exercise community or sign up and pay a fee for a class we are a lot more likely to make it there and crush our workouts. Having others around you during a tough workout can also help motivate you to keep going and push a little harder through the class.  

Hire a Nutrition Coach

Hiring a nutrition coach that understands your individual needs, lifestyle, and challenges can help you reach your goals. When you have consistent check-ins with someone, you are more likely to work on those goals throughout the week and stay on track. You also have someone rooting for you, helping you celebrate your wins, and working on navigating through any struggles you may have. If you have been on the fence but are looking to get started with G-Plans, book a call with one of our nutritionists now to help you get off to a great start with your goals. 

Join a Facebook Support Community 

Being part of a community of others who are going through the same thing as you is a wonderful way to stay accountable. When you have a support group of people you won’t feel as alone in your journey and will find people to connect with who understand what you are going through. You may also want to use your community to get answers to questions you have, obtain recipes and meal ideas from, and post your weekly plan to help you stay accountable. Are you a G-Plans user and not part of our community? Join us now! 

The next time you are feeling alone in your journey or are struggling to stick with the goals you have set for yourself, consider trying out these different ways to stay held accountable. You may surprise yourself and find that this is the missing piece that has been holding you back from reaching your goals.

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