5 Tips For Eating at a Holiday Gathering

The end of 2019 is quickly approaching! There are fewer than 90 days left in the year which can sometimes seem overwhelming. It is easy to get swept away during the holiday season and feel out of control when it comes to your nutrition.  Spending time with friends and family is something that many look forward to around the holidays, but with that comes lots of feasts and parties that can make it challenging to stay on top of our nutrition and health. 

You don’t need to deprive yourself during the holidays, or feel like you are unable to participate in activities or get togethers that involve food. Instead, by using some of the tips below, you can feel as though you are in complete control of your decisions surrounding food. This can lead you to come out of the  holidays feeling as good as before and without feeling like you have to make “dieting” or “starting over” one of your New Year’s resolutions



Here are 5 tips to help you successfully get through the holiday gatherings!

1.Take a Break Before Going Up for Seconds 

Sometimes you enjoy something you grabbed to eat so much you want to run up for a second portion when you are done!  Doing this however, may lead you to overeat and not feel well. Since it takes a few minutes for you stomach and body to know when you’re full, take a 5-10 minute break to make conversation or just sit with yourself and check-in. You may realize that you are full and don’t want any seconds or possibly just want a small portion of seconds instead. 



2. Distance Yourself From the Food

When you are at a party or holiday gathering, try not to stand by the food table the whole time. Being around the food makes it easier to mindlessly reach for food as you are engaging in conversation with others.  



3. Don’t Go On An Empty Tank

Before you go out to your holiday gathering, make sure you eat something so you don’t go feeling starving. If you show up feeling starving, you are more likely to overeat and take the lesser healthy of the two options at the food table. Combining a protein and a fat such as apple slices with peanut butter is a filling pre-party snack


4. Go For The Veggies

When you first approach the food table at a party, don’t ignore the fruits and veggies! They make for a great appetizer or snack and even better as a side to main dishes. Bringing a dish of raw or cooked veggies or fruit is a great idea so you know you have something healthy to snack on.



5. Take A Walk

Taking a walk before or after a meal allows you to get some fresh air and burn off some of your holiday calories. A walk is an especially great idea if you know you are very busy on a certain day or week and won’t be able to get exercise another way.




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