How to take meal preps when you live a life on-the-go?

Sticking with healthy eating habits is challenging when we begin our journey, but with time and consistency things to get easier! Most of us live extremely busy lives, which is why we recommend meal prepping as much as you can to save yourself time in the kitchen throughout the week. But how do we make meal preps that are friendly for lives constantly on-the-go?


Pack Cold Meals

A nice hot meal is always something to look forward to, but it’s not always feasible depending on where we have to head to work. Many of us travel for work, are out in the field all day, or may not have any way of heating up food for lunch. What’s the solution? Pack a meal that is still good cold! A solid, and maybe cool-looking, lunch bag with an ice pack will keep any meal fresh on the go. But preparing meals like salads, cold pasta dishes, grain bowls are all some great examples of find well balanced meals that don’t need to be heated to eat!


Least Perishable Snacks 

Snacks are one of the easiest things to bring into the day to help find balance between health and work life. Snacks could be the only part of the meal plan you can bring on a busy work day and that’s okay! Having a proper snack between big meals could mean making the best decisions possible when lunch or dinner fast approaches. Go for the snacks that will last you all day. Carrots and celery are easy vegetables to pair with any nuts, seeds or nut butters without having to worry if they’re going bad sitting in your lunch box. Fruits with hard skins or that don’t require refrigeration – such as bananas, apples and the citrus family – are all healthy options to add a sweet twist to your day. In general, it’s best to stick with the foods that won’t go bad if they’re sitting at room temperature!


Force Time In (Where You Can) 

Sometimes the biggest issue isn’t the ability to bring snacks or meals, but rather the time and the place to have them. Many jobs nowadays require frequent stops, in-home visits, and traveling location-to-location. This often gives the appearance that you’re unable to give yourself the time to stop and eat, but sometimes we just need to force in that me-time! Try to alter your schedule to give yourself at least 5 or 10 minutes between stops, clients, etc. Even if you have to eat a few bites in the car, that’s okay! Sometimes our lives don’t allow us to have lunch in the park, or stop off in a break room. Fit in your food where and when you can. Not everyday will be perfect, but starting the day by saying “I have no time to eat” may make it feel harder to fit in time for yourself.


At the end of the day, work is important. It pays the bills, gives us a stable life, and often drives our passion. But even if you love your busy work schedule, not making the time to eat or finding a way to fit in balanced meals can affect our health in the long run. If we want to find the best performance at our jobs we have to make the effort to care for ourselves first. Take the time to develop a system that works for you, because everyone has different needs and lives! Need guidance on where to start? Take the metabolic quiz to find a plan that can help organize your food life and fit your needs.



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