Chinese New Year Inspired Snacks

Chinese New Year is right around the corner, start your year off right by including some of these food items in your meals to ring in the New Year! Chinese New Year is celebrated with a wide variety of food items, but we’ve found some meal plan-friendly snacks to incorporate in the coming of the holiday!



According to the Chinese New Year celebration page, persimmons represent represent the phrase “everything goes according to your wishes”. Traditionally persimmons are eaten in cake form during the New Year to perpetuate our wishes coming into fruition. If you’re looking to stick to your meal plan, but still promote this intention for yourself, we recommend eating them fresh instead. Persimmons, are also a rich source of nutrients, especially Vitamin A and C. Both vitamins promote a healthy immune systems, which may make this snack the idea fruit to be munching on while you set your intentions for the year.


Baked Seeds

Baked seeds are placed out for guests between meals for snacking purposes during the New Year celebrations. If you are following a meal plan here at G-Plans, then you know how much we like seeds as well. Baked seeds are awesome additions to any snack to stabilize blood sugar, and hold you over for your next meal.



Who doesn’t love grapes as a nice snack? They come in bunches, which are awesome because it makes for a very satisfying snacks. Whether you eat them frozen on a hot day or eat cotton candy grapes as an after dinner dessert, these fruits come in abundance. This is why grapes represent abundant harvest, and are often snacked on in New Year harvest. Bring more to your meal plan and to your New Year by snacking on some grapes this week!



Peaches traditionally represent good health, which makes sense because their rich in vitamin C. As we all know, vitamin C is great for boosting our immune systems. It’s only fitting that this fruit will promotes good health in the New Year. Peaches are perfect mid day snacks to boost your health, and pair with this baked seeds we talked about early.




Oranges, and other orange-colored fruits represent wealth and prosperity due to their golden-like color, according to the Chinese New Year celebration page. Eating fruits like oranges sets the year up for success by setting the intention of abundant growth. Oranges, and other similar-colored fruits are often rich sources of vitamin C, which promote healthy skin and teeth.


Begin your Chinese New Year strong by eating your best! Include any of these snacks into your meal plan to keep the holiday in mind!



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