Getting Off The Dieting Roller Coaster

Oftentimes, people so badly want to lose weight that over time, they will try a bunch of different diets marketed for weight loss. But more often than not, these people find themselves on the same dieting rollercoaster that they just can’t get off of. They’ll try a new diet, maybe see results quickly, but then hit a plateau and may even eventually gain all of the weight back because the diet wasn’t sustainable long term. These extreme weight loss diets can actually cause more harm than good to your body. 

The Problem With Extreme Low Calorie Diets

Of course if you’re eating way more calories than you can burn you won’t experience weight loss, but problems arise when you cut calories to an extreme. Doing this can actually cause a lot of damage to your metabolism, so oftentimes these diets are not only dangerous, but they can backfire and be counterproductive when it comes to weight loss in the long run. Low calorie diets can cause the body to break down muscle, and this is not what you want. Also, when eating a low calorie diet, your body will eventually go into a conservation mode. Your body will eventually slow down its metabolism and burn less calories if you’re not eating enough, which is the exact opposite of what someone wants when trying to lose weight. 

Low calorie diets also increase the risk of developing nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and hormonal imbalances. Sometimes people do lose weight very rapidly in the beginning, but that is not necessarily a good thing, because losing weight too quickly can cause heart problems. While it may be appealing to lose a lot of weight very quickly, it’s just not the best or healthiest way to lose weight.

Always Ask Yourself: Is This Diet Sustainable Long Term? 

Not all diets marketed for weight loss are low calorie diets, but sometimes they are still quite restrictive and have a lot of rules. The problem with this is that someone may be able to stick to the rules of that diet for a while in the beginning, but it’s just not sustainable for them in the long run. This is when people often wind up gaining back the weight they lost. When a diet can become more than “just a diet” and actually becomes a way of eating, this is when things can really shift to a point where the progress is maintained. 

How G-Plans is Different

At G-Plans, we understand how dangerous low calorie diets can be. Our goal is to strengthen one’s metabolism so they can burn fat in a healthy and sustained way, without being on an extreme low calorie diet. We aim to teach you how to make lifestyle changes by teaching a way of eating that people want to stick to long term. It’s easier to stick to this way of eating when you aren’t starving yourself, you actually enjoy the food you are eating, and you feel great! This could be your way off of the dieting rollercoaster once and for all!

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