New Year’s Resolution Check-In

Now that it is officially July, we’ve reached the halfway point of 2020! It has been a challenging year for all of us, but hopefully it hasn’t deterred us from following through with our resolutions! Whether you’ve been faithfully trying to reach your goals or decided to focus on other things in life, here are a few tips to staying motivated to finish your resolution.


Alter Your Goals

We’ve all experienced times in our life where we’ve bitten off more than we could chew (literally and figuratively). When it comes to goal setting, it can be easy to set seemingly realistic goals that turned out to be more difficult than we imagined. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to change your goals! Instead of setting one big goal to accomplish by the end of the year, try setting smaller goals every few months. This can make achieving your goals much more manageable, and it feels great reaching all those small victories! 


Track Efficiently

Tracking is the best way to see if you’ve been sticking to your resolutions! Being able to track your progress is also a great way to stay motivated. After a successful week or month of sticking to your goals, it’s rewarding to see how much hard work you’ve done. Luckily for G-Plans members, our app offers a way to track meals, weight, water, and exercise! Without proper tracking, it can be hard to see how much work you’ve put into your goals. 


Be Kind To Yourself

If you’ve had trouble sticking to your resolutions, don’t be too hard on yourself! Resolutions are created because they’re habits that you don’t regularly follow but would like to incorporate into your lifestyle. Making changes to your life, big and small, can be extremely difficult. You are your biggest motivator, so be kind to yourself! If you feel that you are struggling, remember that most people only like to flaunt their successes and tend to keep their struggles to themselves. If you ever feel like you aren’t doing your best or others are doing better than you, remember that YOU are the only person that understands you and your situation as well as you.


Ask For Support

While it may be difficult asking others for help, sometimes it can give you a push in the right direction! Asking for help allows another person to help keep you accountable. Friends and family are great support systems because they care about you and your goals! Many of us would gladly help our friends through their goals, so why are we afraid to ask for help ourselves? You never know when a close friend or family member also has the same goal as you! 


Whether your resolution was to lose weight or just get through this year, we want you to know that the staff here at G-Plans is rooting for you! 


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