Chinese New Year is right around the corner, start your year off right by including some of these food items in your meals to ring in the New Year! Chinese New Year is celebrated with a wide variety of food items, but we’ve found some meal plan-friendly snacks to incorporate in the coming of the […]

Meal Plan Friendly Super Bowl Snacks
Alright, Super Bowl is naturally a day of celebration, and you might even reserve this day as your cheat meal for the week. But before you decide to use that cheat meal up, remember there’s always the option to make yummy snacks that actually fit into the meal plan! Try not to over indulge on […]

Ways to Workout Besides Going to the Gym
Working out at the gym this time of year can be stressful. Lots of people are sticking strong with their resolutions, which is great! But it doesn’t make the gym any less crowded. Nothing is worse than trying figure out a less busy time to get to the gym, and still fitting your workout into […]

The Month of Oatmeal!
January marks Oatmeal Month! As we bring this month to a close, we’ve decided to highlight all the things we love about oatmeal. Oatmeal is a great breakfast addition, and really is an awesome way to start your day. This grain is a power-packed food, that’s rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is […]

Bubbly Things to Sip On
There’s no doubt about it; losing weight is hard. It’s even harder when you feel like you’re left out from normal social activities, like a Sunday football. Sports and beer go together, well like snacks and Super Bowl, so we understand it can be hard to feel included when you’re trying to stick to a […]