How to Stay Motivated to Move Your Body Everyday

Have you set a new goal of getting more active? Are you working on getting those steps in even when the weather may be cooling off? Are you looking to be at a certain point by the end of the year? Maybe you answered yes to all of these questions, but may be having difficulty sticking with the goals you are setting for yourself or pushing through those harder days.

With the correct tools and habits in place you can be on your way to moving your body more and feeling confident about sticking with it regardless of how your day went.

Here are some tools you can use to keep your body moving! 

Have a Long-Term Goal in Mind

Once you have a long-term goal written down, you have something in front of you that you are working toward. Beginning a habit without a goal is not as motivating and will leave you less determined to complete an activity.

Change It Up

Maybe you have been walking the same route, going to the same gym, or doing the same workout class for months or years and you are getting a little bored. In order to add some excitement to your exercise routine, consider changing it up, walk a new route, try a new gym, or take a class you’ve never taken before! 

Sign up for a Fitness Challenge or Event 

Once you have committed to an event or challenge, you are being held accountable and have something to look forward to. Similarly to setting a long-term goal, you are working toward something, where without proper training, you may not feel prepared for it. This is also a motivating way to get moving, spend time with friends and family, and challenge yourself to something you haven’t done before.

Track Your Movement 

Tracking your movement allows you to see your progress over time and have personal records to challenge yourself against. This is especially important if you are working toward specific and measurable long-term goals. Using an app or fitness tracker to track steps or time moving is a great way to record your successes. You can also track the number of classes you attended or the days you go to a gym. No matter what you enjoy doing to get active, there is always a way to take pride in how far you have come and where you are going.


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