How are you Going to Spend your Labor Day Weekend?

Everyone loves an extra day off, and boy do we need it sometimes! Three-day weekends are full of sleeping in and maybe a few parties. It’s important to utilize these days off well, so that you feel refreshed when you hop back to work on Tuesday. So how are you spending your holiday weekend? We’ve got some tips!


Rest Up!

Sleep is much needed, and usually scarce during a work week. Take the extra day to catch up on your z’s. Quality sleep on a regular basis is extremely important for both our mental and physical health. Having an extra day off isn’t only a great opportunity to sleep in, but it’s also a great time to try practicing healthy bedtime routines. Take a bath, drink a relaxing tea, take time to truly wind down when you have time. Practicing good sleep habits is much easier on our less busier days, and eventually helps to create a regular habit of it!


Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Maybe you’ve caught up on sleep and you’re ready to go. Excellent! Use that extra zip of energy to get set for the week. Since you have a WHOLE extra day to your weekend, now there’s no excuses as to why there isn’t any food in the fridge. Take the added minutes to sit down and make a plan for this week. Whether it’s goal setting, making a grocery list, or doing a whole meal prep, use this holiday to benefit you even after the weekend’s over!


Enjoy a treat!

Hard work and no play leads to burn out, and we don’t want that! Since most people are off on Monday, this is a great time to treat yourself: go out to eat with the family, grab some ice cream while the weather is still warm, have a glass of wine while watching the sunset. Take time to decompress and enjoy yourself. It’s not every week we get an extra day off, and don’t think you have to use it to make up for the time you normally lack. Sit back, relax, and take time for a treat this weekend!


Spend some time outside!

Holiday weekends are excellent times for going outdoors. We highly recommend it for a mental breather and to aid in hitting your exercise goal. Maybe there has been a hike calling your name, or maybe you want to take one last swim before fall rolls in. Getting outdoors is a great way to reset from a normal routine, especially for those folks out there stuck indoors most of the week. Don’t let the last weekend of summer go to waste. Head outside this weekend!


There are so many ways to enjoy three-day weekends. Make sure you take some time to enjoy your Labor Day weekend, after all it’s to reward you for that hard work you put in all year!


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