The thought of starting up a workout routine can be terrifying or intimidating – reasons ranging from unfamiliarity to your local gym, risk of injury, afraid of looking lost, or even simply because you don’t like change in your routine. Feeling those things can be normal and generally very common. However, physical activity is a […]

Getting Healthy Means Going Nuts
We are often told that nuts are a great source of “healthy fats” and are usually included in meal plan as part of a snack. However, because nuts are primarily made of fat, they are a very calorie dense food but despite being a calorie dense food, nuts are often recommended for weight loss and […]

Recipes That’ll Keep You on Track During Memorial Day Weekend
Holidays in general are usually a difficult time to stay on track with your diet or keep clear from temptation. Giving yourself a pep talk beforehand can only go so far when your guests starting bringing in tempting dishes or before you start preparing the meals for your guests. However, who said that holidays like […]

Beat Stress with Food!
Stress is inevitable! Whether we experience stress for a short period because of a deadline for work or school, or we experience a long duration of chronic stress, stress can send our body through the ringer. Ideally, it’ll be great to omit those triggers from our lives but that may not be a tangible solution. […]

Beware of Liquid Calories!
When planning your meals for the week, making sure portions are appropriate and snacks are ready to go, it’s very easy to forget about beverages. Enjoying the egg white and spinach scramble with oatmeal on the side can really take a turn for the worst with the addition of a cup of coffee with cream […]