Keto is one of many new diet crazes that seems to have taken the world by storm. Many clients come to G-Plans asking about the Keto Diet. So what’s the general consensus of it? We’ll let you make the decision for yourself, but here are some reasons you may want to hold on a sec […]

Is Intermittent Fasting Ideal for Everyone?
Keeping up with health trends, what’s healthy, and “what works” can cause a major headache. It seems like every day someone is coming out with a new way to eat, to burn fat faster, or avoid eating in some cases. Intermittent Fasting is a style of eating, which often promotes an idea of freedom with […]

Add Variety in Your Workout Routine!
Doing the same workout every day sounds pretty boring to us. While you may enjoy one workout over another, it’s always good to have a variety of different workouts to choose from throughout the week. If you’re guilty of sticking to one thing, consider some of these reasons why you might want to add a […]

Tips to Avoid Overindulging this Weekend
Any holiday can be tricky to navigate when you’re trying to maintain new and healthy lifestyle changes. Don’t fret, there are tricks to incorporate into this week, so you don’t find yourself in too much pain after the Memorial Day Weekend! Drink Wisely Memorial Day doesn’t have to be a holiday surrounded by drinking, […]

Hit that 60 Minute Exercise Goal!
Staying motivated to workout is tricky, but we promise there are easy ways to hit that 60 minute workout goal for the day! Incorporating exercise throughout the week doesn’t have to be a chore. There are lots of ways to make this daily goal become a regular habit you crave! Break It Up Break […]