With Halloween night falling in the middle of the week, it is likely that halloween festivities will be going on all weekend and well into Halloween night. So it is safe to say that having spooky recipe ideas to take to potlucks or to keep things exciting at home is a great way to keep […]

Homemade Dressings that Won’t Ruin your Diet
When it comes to finding ways to make a meal more enjoyable without ruining your health plan can be tricky – especially when adding in additional condiments like marinades and salad dressings. On average, store bought dressing can add up to 150 calories for every 2 tablespoons. However, making your own salad dressings will allow […]

Top 5 Soothing Bedtime Teas
With the new established goal to get to bed earlier in hopes to catch more Zzz’s, finding ways to expedite the “sleepy” feeling is always a great start. The usual “before bedtime” routine can consist of aimlessly scrolling through social media, skipping through television channels, or tossing and turning, and before you know it, it’s […]

Spice Up Your Life: Cinnamon Edition
When this time of year comes around, cinnamon takes the backseat and pumpkin spice usually takes the lead. But without cinnamon, pumpkin spice wouldn’t exist! We are here to let cinnamon live in its glory again. This incredibly aromatic and flavorful spice can be used in a variety of ways. However, we’re going to switch […]

I love you a-LATTE!
Let’s face it, those Starbucks limited edition drinks can be so tempting! The delicious blend of flavors made from their syrups, sauces, and milks can make the tastiest beverages but can definitely set us off track when trying to make healthy decisions; depending on the size, one latte can rack up over 500 calories and […]