If you’ve ever found yourself looking for resources on how to lose weight or how to eat healthy, you might realize how hard it is to find a valuable source. There are so many fad diets that contradict each other that it can be hard to keep track of what’s healthy and what’s not. Don’t […]

Midday Slump? Try These Pick-Me-Ups
Long work days can be the source of some real misery. It can be hard to motivate yourself to keep chugging along when you can barely keep your eyes open. Wondering how people survive these long nine-to-fives? Try adding some of these routines to your day to prevent the midday slump! Bring Snacks! Not […]

Springtime Good Morning Smoothies!
Rise and shine! Warm weather is here and it’s time to make the most of your day. Getting outside and enjoying the weather can be exhausting if you’re not fueling yourself with the best possible nutrients. And even though the days are longer, it still can be hard to consume all you need to in […]

World Health Day is Coming! What are you Doing to Celebrate?
World Health Day, April 7th, is the day of the year we bring awareness of health and wellness for everyone! This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) is bringing attention to health accessibility around the world. Healthcare is vitally important to be accessible for everyone, and is something that is more readily becoming available. However, […]

Hiking Snacks
We are beyond excited that the days are long enough (and warm enough) to take a nice hike any time of the day. Early morning, long drives to our favorite all-day hikes are some of the ways we try to stay active on our days off here at G-Plans. Of course, climbing mountains means we […]