As we are heading into colder months in the northern hemisphere, it can be a hard transition on our bodies. Today we will discuss some ways in which you can support your body during this time to ensure optimal wellness. Keep reading to hear our top five tips for transitioning into the colder months. 1. […]

Should You Be Soaking Your Grains?
Have you ever sprouted, or simply soaked your grains before cooking them? It’s a simple process, and there are certainly some great benefits in doing so. Soaking grains is just what it sounds like, soaking grains in water. Sprouting takes it a step further, and continues this process until the seed has actually germinated. Today […]

Everything You Should Know About Resistant Starch
Have you ever heard of resistant starch? Starches are carbohydrates with branching chains of glucose. There are three types of starches, which are categorized by their digestibility. The three types are rapidly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch, and resistant starch. Resistant starch (RS) is a type of starch that resists digestion in the small intestine. […]

How A Low Calorie Diet Negatively Affects Your Thyroid
Many people attempt to lose weight by eating a very low calorie diet, but not everyone understands the risks associated with extreme low calorie diets for weight loss. Of course there is a time and place for calorie restriction, but when you eat a very low calorie diet for an extended period of time, you […]

4 Tips For Improving Your Digestion of Dietary Fats
The proper digestion of dietary fat is very important for our health. Many people struggle with fat malabsorption, which is when dietary fat is not properly digested and absorbed. Some symptoms of fat malabsorption include fatty stools that are light colored and float, deficiencies in the fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, D, and K), […]