A common weight loss myth is that you can’t lose weight if you’re snacking in-between meals. This simply isn’t true. In fact, snacking in-between meals can help boost your metabolism and help you with your weight loss goals. But what you eat does matter. There are numerous unhealthy snack foods on grocery store shelves. Today […]

Tips to Help You Overcome Emotional Eating
Many people use food as a crutch. When they feel overwhelmed with life’s stressors or are triggered by any past trauma, they may feel the urge to eat to absolve themselves of the emotions that feel too intense for them to sit with in the moment. This can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food […]

5 Causes of Weight Fluctuation
Many people deal with weight fluctuations. Even if you are eating the right amount of calories for your body, you may notice random fluctuations. They may be cyclical or they may seem random. While it certainly can be frustrating, just know that you are not alone. There are many possible causes, but today we will […]

4 Tips On How To Be Successful With Weight Loss
When you are on a diet plan to lose weight or to simply improve your health, it makes sense that if you stick as closely as possible to your meal plan, the higher the chances are that you will reach your goals. Being able to stay on track is great, but it’s not always the […]

6 Common Diet Myths Debunked
There are many common misconceptions and myths around diet, especially when it comes to weight loss. The internet is filled with different approaches and opinions. While it’s true that some things may work better for different people, you don’t need to worry about all of the things you’ve heard along the way. Some myths create […]