The holiday season is fast approaching and lines at popular coffee shops (ahem, Starbucks) are out the door for everyone’s festive favorites. We don’t disagree… nothing tastes better than a nice hot cocoa on a chilly night, especially with friends and family. The problem is that many of those hot drinks are loaded with unnecessary […]
Author: G-Plans

Fall in Love with November’s Seasonal Superfoods
It’s that time of year again, when leaves begin to take on orange and red hues and fall from the trees that were once in full bloom. Depending on where you live, you might be switching out of your flip flops for cozy sweaters and fuzzy hats. And with the changing of the season, comes […]

Why the Scale Isn’t the Best Measure of Success
You’ve been working hard all week. You’ve been eating your correct portions of foods, drinking enough water, and even fitting in a workout or two. You feel more energized, no afternoon slumps, but when you step on the scale, the number hasn’t budged! Frustrated, you think you have failed, done something wrong or the plan […]

Dr. Goglia’s Approved Snacks For When That Sweet Tooth Kicks In
We all get cravings, and it seems like sugar is the most common one. Before you start searching the fridge and cabinets for something sweet, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see if your craving still exists. If your still looking for something sweet, try one of Dr. Goglia’s metabolic […]

Making the Most of Your Cheat Meal
Congrats, you made it to the end of the week! You worked hard, so you deserve to relax a little, and have some fun. After all, here at G-Plans, we believe the diet rule of 80/20. 80% of your diet should be coming from wholesome sources like what is on your plan. The other 20% […]